kokichis Framed

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Rantaros pov

"Kokichi!? Kaito!?"

"Come on out kids. We're getting concerned"

"Come out and atua will give you his blessings"

We searched all around for the purple haired boys but came up with nothing. How could they have just disappeared like that? And now of all times!?

Kiibo stopped by the door hosting those exiles "is something wrong?" I asked.

"I'm getting some heat signatures coming from in there. The type that shouldn't emanate from machinery" he explained.

"So you think they're in there?" I asked "but why would they be in there of all places?"

"Only one way to find out" the boy said determedly as he opened the door. I noticed some marks on the door, as if someone was trying desperately to get in. I have a bad feeling about this.

We stepped in to find monokuma being surrounded by the exiles. Are they protecting him? Things just keep getting weirder.

We got to the end of the room to find kaito on the floor with an arrow stuck in his chest and kokichi on his knees, blood soaking his white shirt.

"A body has been discovered!"

"Kokichi what have you done?" Kiibo muttered in disbelief.

"Guys" kokichi turned to us, his face was pale as if in shock and he had a purple bruise forming on his cheek "please it's not what it looks like-"

But he didn't get a chance to explain himself as everyone else came shuffling in.

"Murderer!" Maki screamed as she lunged at kokichi. I quickly stepped in the way before she could hurt the boy.

"We don't know he's a murderer yet. Not until the trail" I said firmly "so save all this till then"

Maki scoffed before turning away "I'll get you you little rat" she muttered before walking off.

"Ran please. I know I'm not the most trustworthy person but you have to believe me, I didn't do this!" He was clearly shaken up. I guess even kokichi can't shake off witnessing a murder.

"Hey I believe you" I bent down and petted his head "not why don't you sit this one out. You're clearly in shock"

"Thank you" he nodded greatfully before stumbling out of the room.

I sighed to myself. Ok now to prove his innocence..

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now