learning the truth

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Rantaros pov

"That little rat killed him!" Maki pointed at kokichi accusingly. The others murmured in agreement. I've been arguing in kokichi's corner since the very beginning but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall. Nothing's getting through to them. How am I supposed to protect him like this!?

"Ah atuas bestowed upon me his divine wisdom. He says kokichi is innocent!" Angie said brightly. My jaw hung open. Is she giving me the chance I need!

"This again? Angie this isn't a game!" Maki growled.

"Neah we should hear Angie out. She's part of the conversation too!" Himiko said firmly.

Maki shot her a piercing glare.

"Neah even if you give me that scary look I won't back down" she said even though she was clearly trembling.

I turned to Angie. This might be my one chance to turn the tables on this case "Angie please continue"

"Atua has noticed many inconsistencies in this trail. Like the bruise on Kokichi's face"

"He could have just got that in his struggle with kaito" kiibo pointed out.

"You expect a guy to fight with an arrow in his chest? Use your brain kid" ryoma shook his head.

"Ouch" kiibo shrunk back.

"Another point is the body discovery announcement" she continued "when the announcement started up it was just you and kiibo yes?"

"That's right" I nodded.

"But you need three people to trigger the alarm yes?" There was an excited glint in her eye.

"That makes kokichi the third person" I gasped "Angie you're a genius!"

"Ah your so kind but it's atuas wisdom that brought us this far" she clasped her hands together.

"Right" I smiled awkwardly. That girl doesn't take enough credit for her own hard work!

"It seems we need to talk about this more" ryoma muttered "who was the third person in that room?"

"Kokichi can you clear that up?" Kiibo asked.

"Afraid not" he sighed "the arrow came from outside. I never saw the killers face"

"Liar!" Maki slammed her fist down angrily.

"You're getting very defensive" I glared at her.

"What are you insinuating" she growled.

"I'm just saying a weapon like a bow and arrow seems like the kind of weapon an assassin would use" I said calmly.

"He makes a good point" ryoma muttered.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She turned away from me "that arrow wasn't min-"

"Oh cut the crap!" I snapped "the slashes at the door, the precision sniping from the window, the fact the killer could operate a bow and arrow it all points to you. Just admit it, you're the one who killed kaito!"

"It was an accident!" She broke down. I was aiming for him!" She pointed to kokichi "I thought he was the mastermind. It seemed so obvious with all the sneaking around he was doing. But kaito- Why'd he have to get in the way" it was then that the stoic girl burst into tears. I turned away and sighed.

"Case closed "

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now