creating a team

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Rantaros pov

We all stood by the doom rooms waiting. We could be caught at any moment so we were a little on edge. Anything could be waiting just behind the corner-

"I am here degenerate males" tenko appeared behind us, making me almost jump out of my skin.

"Keep it down karate girl! You trying to get us busted?" Kokichi scolded her.

"Oh sorry. I can't believe I'm apologising to a degenerate" she muttered the last part to herself "anyway I want you to know that I'm behind this plan one hundred percent! Anything to save my darling himiko from that awful womans clutches"

"That's good" I nodded before turning to kaitos door "is he coming out?"

"No he's not" maki appeared behind me, making me jump. Would people stop doing that! "thanks to Angie he believes there's ghost around and refuses to leave his dorm"

"Heh and he had the gall to call me a coward" ryoma chuckled.

"I'm kinda surprised you're joining us maki-roll" kokichi tilted his head curiously.

Maki shot him a glare "kaitos been good to me. I want to help him, even if it means teaming up with the rat"

"Well looks like we got our team together" I smiled confidently "let's take her down"

*Time skip*

"Is anyone else worried we didn't see gonta?" I asked as I ran alongside kokichi and maki.

"It's fine. I can take him regardless" maki growled. We reached the door and she pulled on it "damn. It's locked"

"Leave it to a professionals miss assassin" kokichi grinned as he pulled out a hair pin and picked the lock. As soon as she heard the click she kicked down the door and pinned Angie down before she could react"

"No!" She struggled helplessly "I have to do the ritual. I have to bring him back-"

"A body has been discovered!"

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now