consulting him

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Rantaros pov

After the trail I found kokichi sitting outside hugging his knee. I strolled over and took a seat next to him.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah" he nodded "just looking at the stars. I figured momo-chan might be up there since he loved them so damn much"

"Yeah maybe" I smiled at him. It was nice to see him mourn someone in his own way. Made him feel human.

"Hi" we turned around to see tsumugi, Angie, himiko and ryoma standing behind us.

"What are you guys doing here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We want to hear what happened with kaito and maki" Angie said brightly.

"If it's not too difficult to think about" tsumugi said kindly.

"This is extremely inappropriate-"

"It's fine ran-ran" kokichi placed a hand on my shoulder "alright kids sit down. It's storytime!"

We all sat around him as instructed. He took a deep breath and started.

"Ok it happened like this"


"Come on, there's gotta be something!" I read through document and document of info on hopes peak but it didn't give me a single clue on the mastermind's identity. I had the excials watch over monokuma but who knew how long that would last. I need an upper hand and I need it now.

"I thought I heard noise in here" I jumped and spun around to see Kaito's dumb face "what are you up to kokichi?"

"None of your business momo-chan" I grumbled. I don't have time for him!

"You bet your biscuits it's my business. Now start talking or so help me I'll" he stopped before running towards me "look out!"

*End of flashback*

"I don't know how he heard the arrow but next thing I knew he was standing over me with an arrow in his chest. Maki appeared ten minutes later and punched me in the face, screaming at me about how I killed him before disappearing. I probably should have left or at least suspected her but I was in too much shock" he looked down embarrassed.

"Kokichi that's awful. I'm so sorry" tsumugi said tearfully.

"We're all very proud of how honest you're being" I petted his head.

"Well it kinda feels good to talk about it but it's also scary" kokichi rubbed his arm nervously "it makes me realise how difficult it is to think one of you is behind this"

"I know what you mean" himiko sighed "I don't want to suspect any of my friends" we all nodded in agreement. The truth is one of us is the mastermind but how after all we've been through could we possibly believe that!?

"I wish kiibo could have been here for this" ryoma scratched his head " where is that crazy kid?"

Suddenly we heard an explosion in the distance..

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now