class trail

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Rantaros pov

"So shuichi knew about the timers on the cameras. But why didn't he tell us?"

Keade hugged herself vulnerably. Her face was twisted with confusion and guilt. This whole trail I've been trying to find the one who tried to kill me but maybe I've been going about it wrong. Maybe I should find out the secrets keades hiding.

"Keade you said you and shuichi hung up camera's to catch the mastermind but is that all you did?"

"Huh?" She looked up in surprise.

"We were running out of time after all. Is it possible that you set a trap that backfired?" I pressed on.

"That's ridiculous" kaito slammed his fist down angrily "there's no way keade would have given in to the mastermind's demands like that-"

"It was an accident" her voice wavered.

"Keade?" The astronaut muttered in disbelief.

"I was just trying to catch the mastermind! I didn't want anyone to die!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face "but shuichi- he shouldn't have been there! Why was he there!"

"Maybe he wanted to check on the cameras?" Kirumi suggested "sounds like the poor boy was at the wrong place at the wrong time"

"It's all my fault"  her voice was bearly a whisper "shuichi, I'm so sorry"

Everyone was silent. Some were angry but most seemed to sympathised with her but kokichi was completely different.

"Wow and after all that grandstanding. You really are a hypocrite keade" his words were sharp and cruel. I almost admired how effortlessly he could shoot her down.

"Shut up kokichi! Don't you dare talk about keade like that!" Kaito growled.

"No he's right" she smiled sadly "I'm the worst. I'm so sorry everyone"

"Damnit all" kaito clenched his teeth.

This can't be right. The shot put fell in front of me so how could it have killed shuichi? But how did the other shot put disappear? There's only one explanation...

"Alright alright let's start the voting!" Monokuma said brightly.

I narrowed my eyes. Voting time already? Seems the mastermind has something they want to hide. I wanted to test something. So I voted for keade.

*Time skip*

I watched as her body swung back and forth motionlessly. So my hypothesis was correct. The mastermind was shuichis true killer and they were willing to sacrifice that girl to keep their game going. Well I'm onto them now. I'm going to survive...

No matter how many people I have to sacrifice.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now