the sins of a serial killer

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Rantaros pov

Korekiyo picked up the floorboard as a sickening grin hid behind his mask. He was planning a murder. A wild and complicated murder. After all he couldn't risk getting caught like the others-

"Hello friend korekiyo" he turned around in shock to find gonta with a sweet smile on his face "what is korekiyo doing?"

"Ah just preparing for my daily prayers" he quickly thought up a lie.

"Oh can gonta help" the boy asked hopefully. He gritted his teeth. He's getting in my way. He must be delt with!

"Ah that's very kind. Will you grab the candles for me?"

"Gonta can do that" he turned his back on him and as soon as he did korekiyo unsethed his katana and thrusted it into gontas back.

"W-why" he turned to him shakily.

"It's nothing personal" he placed his foot in his back and pushed him to the ground "I just need to tie up any loose ends"

He bent down and watched the poor boy bleed out.


We were speechless as korekiyo finished his confession. Out of everyone his feels the most cold blooded.

"I was disappointed that he was a man" his voice was calm and levelled as he spoke "I prefer to send my sister kind and gentle girls but gonta was a gentleman so I sure she doesn't mind his company"

"And what about tenko" himiko growled "Why'd she have to die!"

"Well I still wanted to send my sister a girl friend plus I put alot of work into the seance so it felt like a waste not to use it"

"You evil bastard!" Kaito growled. Maki placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. He growled but eventually backed down.

"Let's give it everything we've got. Iiiiiits punishment time!"

*Time skip*

We sat in silence as the execution ended. Even as he lays dead we still couldn't shake the effects of his rampage.

"My plan failed" Angie muttered to herself "I couldn't stop another murder taking place. I'm a failure"

"Mmm" himiko bit her lip, trembling slightly. We all gave her pitying glare but kokichi wasn't as gentle.

"Would you stop trying to act so tough" he muttered in annoyance "didn't tenko want you to be more open with us? So just let it out already!"

"Kokichi that's enough-"

"Hic" we turned back to find himiko had burst into tears. Soon the emotion was unbearable for her and she collapsed on her knees, sobbing her heart out.

It seems her sadness was infectious as we all began to cry with her...

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now