saving ryoma

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Rantaros pov

I walked down the hallway scratching my head. What was that all about? I'm sure kokichi had a plan though. I should ask him about it tomorrow, during that magic show tenko is forcing us to go to. I swear her crush on himiko is getting really annoying-

I froze. There in ryomas talent room he was bent down picking some balls but that wasn't what interested me. What caught my attention was kirumi standing over him, bat in hand. She's going to kill him!

"Stop!" I called out. After all a murder now would be inconvenient. Kirumi froze before dropping the bat and running off.

"You shouldn't have done that kid" ryoma stood up "she had a better reason to live then I did" ah I see. He wanted to die.

I took a step forward "who gets to decide that? Kirumi? You? Who's to say she has a better reason to live? Your life is only just beginning. You could do great things with your life if you just gave yourself that chance"

"I don't deserve that chance" he turned away.

I sighed "I heard your story ryoma and I don't think you should keep punishing yourself. They were bastards who were willing to kill innocent civilians just cause of a tennis match. The police couldn't touch them. If you weren't going to make them pay then who would?"

"So you see nothing wrong with murder" he shot me a glare.

"The police would have had someone like that in an electric chair. What's so different about your method?" I smirked.

"Heh you're an interesting kid rantaro. I might just stay alive to see with my own eyes just how far you go" he chuckled as he walked back to his dorm.

I sighed to myself. I hope you'll be alright ryoma.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now