following kokichi

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Rantaros pov

I peaked from behind the building as I watched over the small liar. He was bent down as if inspecting something. What could he be doing-

"You know ran-ran you make a pretty crappy spy" I stumbled back in shock. He knew I was there!

He didn't look angry though. He smiled as he placed his hands behind his back "I mean seriously, astronauts could see that big head of yours!"

"Ouch" I muttered as I stepped out into the open "I didn't mean to intrude ouma-kun"

"Oumas way to formal. I'd rather you call me kokichi" he smiled sweetly. If I didn't know better I'd find that look endearing.

"Ok kokichi" I felt awkward saying his first name "as I was saying I didn't mean to spy. I was just curious what you were doing"

"Oh curious are you?" He smirked mischievously "and why should I share that information with you. You could be the mastermind for all I know"

"You believe the mastermind is among us?" That goes against what the others were saying.

"I know they're among us" his face turned serious "the game wouldn't be fair otherwise"

"You're willing to see things that others would turn away from. You're amazing kokichi" I took his hands into mine "if that's ok I'd love to work with you"

He stared at me for a moment before smirking "ran-ran are you trying to use me to further your goal?"

"Was I that obvious?" I chuckled nervously.

"Rantaro that's selfish and manipulative. I really admire that about you" he giggled before holding out his hand "ok then let's agree to use each other as we see fit!"

"Well if you're ok with it" I shook his hand.

"Wonderful" he grinned "now let me show you what I've been working on"

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now