himikos newfound strength

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Rantaros pov

I headed into the main entrance to find something surprising.

It was himiko conferting Angie!

"All I wanted was to avoid any more murders. To do as atua would do but I failed. Not one but two people died under my watch. I truly am useless"

"Neah don't say that" himiko patted her back "sure we took this atua thing too far but he still taught us to love and protect each other so it wasn't completely wrong"

"But I couldn't get the others to follow me. They just kept fighting against me. Am I even worthy of carrying out atuas will" she looked to the side sadly.

Himiko stayed silent for a moment before offering a kind smile "you know before tenko died she told me to live no matter how scared you are. We can't just stay in the one place cause it guarantees safety. That's not living, it's just surviving. I've learned to become more confident with showing my emotions and not be so lazy. Maybe you need to do some growing"

"Perhaps you're right" Angie nodded "You are very wise himiko. Atua chose wisely with you"

"Don't give him all the credit" she pulled her into a hug "you're a pretty good judge of character yourself"

I smiled softly as the two girls held each other close laughing. Just yesterday himiko was a blubbering mess and now she's consoling other people. She really is a remarkably strong girl.

"Psst ran-ran" I turned around to see kokichi "I need to talk to you alone"

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now