cornering her

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Rantaros pov

"Well I for one know who's behind this. Isn't that right kirumi Togo!"

This is it. After all this back and forth proving innocence and getting alibis I can finally push her into a corner. I have to watch my step. This is kirumi we're talking about.

"Hmm I'm not sure I understand what you mean? Do you... suspect me?" she shot me a hurt look. Oh she's good!

"Neah I don't understand how you can suspect kirumi" himiko muttered.

"Indeed, it does seem a little random" maki shot me a sceptical look.

"Not as random as you'd think" I turned to ryoma. He turned away sheepishly.

"Why are you doing this to me kid?" He grumbled.

"Cause this isn't just about you" I said firmly "All our lives are on the line"

"But kirumi- I feel like I'm letting her down" he looked away. Crap she's got her clutches in him. What do I do!

"Jeez ryoma I didn't think you're so soft" kokichi cut in "I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover"

"What do you want?" Ryoma sighed. His reaction was similar to everyone else's.

"Can't you see your being played" his voice was calm and levelled "think about it. She could have gone to anyone with her sob story but instead she went to you, the guy who clearly wanted to die"

"I don't know what you're insinuating-"

"I'm not done" he cut her off sharply before turning back to ryoma "she pulled at all the right heartstrings and you let her cause deep down you wanted this. You wanted to feel useful to at least one person"

"Heh you read me like a book. I'd laugh if it wasn't so damn depressing" he pulled his hat down to hide his eyes.

Kokichi paused for a moment before speaking "it's not too late you know. You could forge your own future. You don't have to be a puppet for someone else" there was a kindness in his eyes.

"Heh you're the last person I thought I'd hear that from but maybe you're right" he held his head high "it's true. Kirumi tried to kill me with a bat!"

"Gah" she was quick to gain her composer "but that doesn't prove I killed Miu!"

"The monokuma file states that she was killed with blunt force trauma before the piranhas even touched her" maki spoke up "strange that her cause of death is the same as ryomas near death experience"

"Not to mention my piranhas are harmless to alive bodies. They only eat dead things" himiko said morbidly.

"Well I have an alibi" kirumi got more and more frantic "kokichi saw me so I couldn't have committed the murder!"

"Well kokichi is that true?" Korekiyo asked.

Kokichi paused before scratching his head in confusion "I'm not sure what you're talking about mama-chan. I was collecting motive videos during that time"

"You lying bastard!" She exploded, leaving us in a state of shock "I'm not going to lose here. Not to the likes of you! My country needs me!"

I smirked as her breakdown continued. Got her!

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now