putting a stop to danganrompa

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Rantaros pov

Tsumugi kept talking but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I felt disoriented. My mind was fading into darkness. Are things really this hopeless?

"Keep fighting big brother"

"Gah!" I slammed my fist down, cutting off her speech. I'd be a pretty crappy brother if I gave up now!

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Tsumugi tilted her head.

"No. I just realised something" my voice was calm and levelled. It was like for the first time I had all the answers "this whole time I was fixated on survival. I even sacrificed others to further my goal but there's something much more important than my survival"

"Oh? And what would that be?" She gave me a bored look.

"Stopping this game once and for all" I said firmly "you can't continue a game without any survivors. So I'm willing to die if it'll stop any more people suffering at your hands. But I'm going to have to be selfish and ask you all to die with me" I turned to the others.

"Sure if it'll wipe that smug look of that bitches face" kokichi smirked.

"Dying for a purpose. It's all I've ever wanted" ryoma smiled.

"I have no qualms with this. After all I'm guaranteed a place in atuas kingdom" Angie placed her hands together in prayer.

"Neah it kinda sucks that it has to end with us dying but there's no other way" himiko shrugged.

"Are you all sure about this?" Kiibo asked.

"Yeah we are" we nodded as we let the counter run down. As soon as it did kiibo flew up to begin the execution.

"Ah ending the series in a blazing glory. I couldn't ask for a better ending for danganrompa" tsumugis eyes lit up dangerously.

I closed my eyes. It's time.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now