the truth about keade

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Rantaros pov

"Alright ran man I have to ask. What is this class trail about" monokuma tilted his head "normally we have a trail when there's a murder but no one's died!"

"This is a murder trail or to be more specific a retrial" I said calmly "the retrail of shuichi saihara. I believe there was a mistake"

"Oh sweet little rantaro, I don't make mistakes" there was an angry edge to his voice. Clearly I touched a nerve.

"Then you'll have no problem with us exploring the case further" I pressed on. It's about time I got answers.

He studied me for a moment before sighing "fine waste your time for all I care"

"Are you sure about this rantaro?" Tsumugi asked worriedly.

"Trust me tsumugi. I know what I'm doing" I said firmly.

"If rantaro thinks it's a good idea then so do I" kokichi said firmly. I smiled at him. He's a good friend.

"Alright then, where do we begin?" Ryoma asked.

"We should start with the library" I muttered "some people mentioned that they saw a secret door close"

"Yes I heard tenko rambling about it. I thought she was just crazy" Angie shrugged.

"That's ironic" ryoma muttered.

"Well actually I have a confession" I took a deep breath "I was in the library minutes before the murder"

"What!?" The others yelled in disbelief.

"Not only that keades trap triggered on me. Luckily it missed and straight after that another person attempted to kill me. I never got to see their face but I have no doubt in my mind. It was the mastermind" I growled.

"So keade never killed anyone" himiko lowered her head sadly.

"Why didn't you say anything!" Kiibo pointed at me angrily.

"I didn't have enough proof and I didn't want to risk dying. I regret it now" I looked away guiltily.

"Now's not the time to point the finger" kokichi said firmly "this is some crucial information we've got. It proves the mastermind doesn't play fair"

"Big shocker but how does that help us?" Ryoma asked.

"Well that means the mastermind wouldn't think twice about giving themself an advantage with maybe a secret room or two" kokichi suggested.

"Ah!" Himiko jumped "I just remembered. I found a secret room in the girls bathroom. It leads to the library!"

"How do you forget something so important kid!" Ryoma growled.

"Sorry it just slipped my mind" himiko muttered guilty.

"I don't really have an alibi. I was in the bathroom the whole time"

I gasped. It's her. It's always been her. How could I have not seen it before? I faced tsumugi and raised a finger to accuse her...

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now