working together

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Rantaros pov

"Come on ran-ran over here!" Kokichi pointed to the ground like an excited child wanting to show their big brother something. Something about this feels so fermillier.

"Com€ l°°k big br°ther!"

"Gah!" I held my head in pain. What was that? A memory? Can I even trust my own memories though?

"Uhh rantaro?" a flash of concern flickered on kokichis face.

"Sorry I just got lost in thought" I gave him a reassuring smile as I bent down next to him "now what is it you'd like to show me"

"This" he pointed to a strange stone with writing on it "pretty suspicious huh?"

"You could say that" I scratched my head "horse a? What could that mean?"

"It must be a clue!" His eyes lit up like an excited child on a treasure hunt.

"You really think the mastermind would leave us a clue?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! It wouldn't be fair if they didn't" he said simply.

"What makes you think the mastermind is fair" I said bitterly. After all they were willing to let keade take the fall for their murder.

"Good question ran-ran" he stood up with a pondering look "well monokuma is a game master. He has a set of rules that he wants us to follow and has rules of his own. Clearly he wants to make his game interesting and what's the point of a game you have no chance of winning"

"I guess that makes sense" I muttered. Kokichi sure has an interesting way of looking at things but it's not like his way of thinking isn't based in logic. Kokichi ouma would definitely make a dangerous enemy!

"Hmm" he leaned forward with a coy smile "ran-ran I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me"

"And if I am?" I smirked "why should I reveal my hand so soon?"

"Nehehe I like you ran. You and me on the same wavelength" kokichi grinned "oh well just know that secrets don't stay buried for long. Not from my keen eye"

His purple eyes bore into me. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I feel like I've made quite a dangerous ally!

Our prolonged eye contact was cut off by an announcement...

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now