magic show gone wrong

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Rantaros pov

"Alright take your seats ladies and degenerates, it's time for the wonderful himiko!"

I plopped down on my seat with a groan as tenko ranted on. I caught eyes with kokichi who was across from me. He waved with an adorable smile. I waved back nervously. Was he being serious when he said he loved me? No he was just lying like always. I should just pretend it never happened.

"Tenko Angie was supposed to introduce me not you" himiko folded her arms angrily "we worked really hard on my introduction"

"I'm sorry my darling, I just wanted to-"

"Just sit down" she cut her off with a disappointed sigh. Tenko hung her head as she headed to her seat.

"Do not worry himiko. Perhaps this is how atua attended it" Angie said kindly.

"Really? Well I guess it's ok then" a cute smile spread across her face as she stepped towards the stage light "ladies and gentlemen I will now perform the water escape trick!" She trembled violently as she stepped into the water tank. She mustn't be too confident in this trick. I hope she'll be ok.

"Let's begin the timer!" Angie said brightly as she pushed the button.

Ten seconds passed by.

Then twenty..

Then fifty...

"Wow she's really cutting it close" I muttered.

"My beloved's in danger" tenko sprang to action.

"Now now we must trust in himiko as atua has placed his trust in her" Angie said gently.

"Oh screw your atua" tenko yelled frantically "someone help me break this tank!"

"Gonta got it!" Without warning he grabbed kiibo and chucked him at the tank. Water flowed out and under the covers hid a strand of blonde hair...


what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now