Angie's cult

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Rantaros pov

Arriving was Angie with a bright smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Somehow this wasn't the creepy part. Beside her was himiko, tsumugi, gonta and kiibo. They surrounded us like some kind of cult.

Ryoma was the first to say "what the hell is going on?"

"These wonderful people have accepted atua into their hearts and souls. I'm so happy I can sing!" Angie spun around happily.

"Good for you" kokichi stood up with one swift motion "now if you'll excuse me I have some important stuff to do" he headed out the door when gonta slammed the door in his face "whatcha doing big guy?"

"You are mistaken friend. Atua is not just for us, he is for everyone. That is why I implore you to join us" she reached out her hand to us.

"I respectfully decline. I hate occult stuff" kaito shivered.

"Yeah what the degenerate said" tenko growled "I'll never let a man dictate my life!"

"But atua is no mere man" Angie explained "He can be anything you want him to be"

"Like a handsome anime boy" tsumugi sighed dreamily.

"Or a powerful master of spells" himikos eyes lit up.

Ok this is getting out of hand "Angie we don't want to offend your religion but it's just not our thing. We'll all be going our separate ways so let's just agree to disagree"

"Wait" Angie closed her eyes in concentration "I'm getting a message from atua"

"Really?" Gonta gasped.

"What's he saying?" Kiibo said urgently.

"He said the main reason for murder is the want for freedom. So we must rid ourselves of that want and stay right here"

"What!?" We all jumped to our feet in shock. She can't mean that!

"That makes sense" kiibo muttered. The others nodded in agreement. They're agreeing!?

"No!" Tenko jumped to her feet and grabbed himiko by the shoulders "himiko you can't possibly want to stay here!"

She looked to the side sadly "If it means no more killing then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"

"Very good himiko. Atua would be proud" Angie patted her head before turning to the rest of us "if you won't join us then we have no choice but to limit your movement. We can't have any other murders taking place now can we?"

"Angie" kokichi strolled up until they were at eye level "you just made a very dangerous enemy"

"Hehe we shall see about that" she chuckled.

A threatening arua wrapped around the two. It was pretty scary. Finally Angie turned to her cult with a smile.

"Come my friends. Let us celebrate our new achievement!" With that they strolled away, leaving us with our thoughts.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now