under the stars with kokichi

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Rantaros pov

"Well that was something" I chuckled as my eyes stared up at the stars above me. After witnessing such a brutal execution I needed time to distress.

"Yep!" Kokichi smiled, his eyes reflected the night sky. It looked like a galaxy reflected in his eyes.

My eyes landed on the dark purple bruises around his neck "are you sure you're okay? Those bruises look pretty serious"

"It hurts but I'll live" his voice came out all horse "man maki gave me quite the squeezing"

"That's because you revealed her deep dark secret. Messing with the ultimate assassin. You got guts I'll give you that" I chuckled.

"Well guts is the only way to get anything done" he grinned "You don't achieve anything by playing it safe!"

I kept my eyes on the stars as I said "you can rely on me you know. You'll keep getting hurt if you go it alone"

"You may have a point" he smiled sadly at the sky before turning to me with a grin "ok I'll rely on you for as long as you're useful to me!"

"Promise you'll always be with me big brother"

"Gah" I clutched my head in pain.

"Is everything ok?" Kokichi looked at me with a hint of concern.

"Yeah everything's fine" I looked back at the stars. That should distract me from-

"As long as we're underneath the same starry sky we'll always be together miko"

"Ahhh" I clutched my head in pain. Was that my voice? Miko.. she feels so fermillier.

"Ok that's it you're so not ok" kokichi pulled me to my feet "your going to bed so you can rest"

"Yes mom" I said in a way to calm the boys mind..

I never realised how much he cares about me.

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now