the underground

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Rantaros pov

"So why'd you take us down here" kaito raised an eyebrow. Everyone was gathered underground as per Kokichi's request. Now we're going to hear his explanation.

Kokichi stepped out and pulled out the letter "I found this in the principles office"

"You snuck in!?" Kaito yelped.

"Yes yes keep up idiot-chan!" Kokichi shook his head "anyway I found this paper and it says how to avoid the traps"

"Really? So we can finally escape!" Himiko looked up at us hopefully.

"Seems like there's hope after all" ryoma smiled softly.

"Praise be to atua" Angie clapped her hands together in prayer. Everyone else looked equally as excited and why wouldn't they be? This was our chance to escape! But that begs the question...

Why did kokichi look so nervous?

*Time skip*

"And dodge!" Kokichi stood in front of us, instructing us on where to move to avoid the traps. Luckily everyone was quick enough to move in time with kokichis shout. Eventually we reached the end.

"Alright let's get this hatch open" kaito opened the door and immediately all the air was sucked out of the room.

"C-close it" ryoma coughed out. Kaito crawled his way back and threw the door shut. We collapsed to the ground as sweet oxygen filled our lungs.

"What the hell was that" I stood up shakily.

"I found more than just instructions in that paper" kokichi stood up "it also details the gother project we heard so much about. It doesn't say how but apparently our world was destroyed and the sixteen of us were sent up into space as humanity's last hope. Though it's more like nine thanks to a certain traitor" he muttered bitterly.

We all stared at him in disbelief. It was all too much to take in...

Does this mean I'll never see her again?

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now