thinking up a plan

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Rantaros pov

"We need a plan to take that bitch out!" Kokichi stated that we arrived at our hideout aka the boys bathroom "her little religious spiral is throwing a wrench in everything!"

"I hear you but there's not a lot we can do" I leaned against the bathroom wall with a sigh "they may be lacking in numbers but they have gonta. I for one wouldn't want to mess with the guy"

"Damnit!" He slammed his fist against the wall. I jumped a little. I've never seen the playful leader so angry before!

"Cool your jets kid" we looked over to see ryoma.

"What the hell are you doing here!" He snapped.

"You're in a public bathroom. Anyone can walk in" he shrugged "so you wanna tell us what's got you so worked up? It's unlike you"

"Well I just don't like people taking my freedom away" he muttered awkwardly. A lie probably but I'll let it go.

"I know how you feel. After all the fighting we did we're just supposed to give up and stay here? It pisses me off" he gritted his teeth "so how about I help you disband this cult"

"No offence ryoma but how are you supposed to help us" I asked.

"Heh don't underestimate me kid" he smirked "I can disable gonta will my special tennis technique. Kaito a big guy and tenko can fight so they could help out too. And that maki girl's an assassin-"

"We're not trying to kill her ryoma" I said firmly.

"I wouldn't be against it" kokichi shrugged.

"Seriously kokichi?" I shot him a look. This is no time for jokes!

"Relax. Just cause she's an assassin doesn't mean she doesn't know restraint. You should learn to trust people more amoni" ryoma smiled kindly.

"Tch" I turned away. Trust people. That's easy for him to say.

"Nahaha. What an interesting plan!" We jumped to turn around to see Angie of all people!

"What are you doing yonaga? This is the boys bathroom!" I yelped as my face turned red.

"In my island home there is no such thing as boundaries between sexes" she leaned forward with a coy smile "as much as atua loves to see his children working together I cannot allow this" behind her back she pulled out a book from the motive! "I'm going to ressurect our fallen friend tonight so I can have you standing in my way"

She clicked her fingers and then appeared gonta and kiibo "they will escort you safely to your rooms. Byeonara!" She gave us one last wave before disappearing.

"Crap we can't let her get away!" The other two nodded in agreement before sidestepping gonta and running away to freedom..

what if rantaro survived? (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now