The Pig

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PonyBoy's Pov:
I hate myself. I'm a f*g. I'm disgusting. I got up and got out of bed slowly. I walked to the cabinet to take my antidepressant pills. I had been on them since my parents died a year ago. Did I also mention that I have anxiety and adhd that I ignore? And that I'm a disgusting f*gg*t who's in love with his best friend? The list goes on. I also hate eating, because I look like a pig. And I weigh a thousand lbs. after taking my medicine I start walking back to the room. Until I hear my brother Soda call my name from the couch.

"Pony, can you come here for a second?"

I slowly walk over to him and sit on the couch next to him he's my brother and honestly I'm very close with him.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked he seemed so concerned.

"Yeah I'm doing just fine. I was actually gonna ask Johnny if he wanted to go to the lake today since it's July now." It was scary how quick I lied to seem ok.

"Oh" he smiled. "That's great I hope you two have a great time imma stay home though it's too hot for me." He leaned back a little sipping his coke.

I walked back to my room and closed the door. I plopped onto my bed and sobbed. Now I had to go to the lake with Johnny. Which meant I had to have on a swim suit, and show off how ugly I was, and how I was so fat I looked like a pig. I'm so stupid I wish I could just die. I curled into a ball as my body shook. Then I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in" I wasn't even trying to hide it at this point.

Thankfully it was Johnny though.

"Pony what's wrong?"
He immediately lifted me into a tight embrace. This was why I was a tw*nk.

"I told Soda that I would ask you to go to the lake with me today b-but I-" I trailed off thinking it wouldn't be smart to talk about all my problems with him. He didn't need my stupid problems to deal with.

"What Pony? You can say it."

Johnny was being encouraging, but I didn't think I should tell him

"I'm a fat pig." I whispered. And before I could even see his reaction, my chest got tight. And the world spun. I was barely conscious, yet my heart thumped violently.

"You're not fat or a pig, Pone. You look great."
He reassured.

I layed my head on his chest to listen to his heart beat so mine would even out.

"And I would love to go to the lake with you."

He actually didn't hate me? All I did was stress him out and act like a whiny bitch and he would love to go somewhere with me?

"I'll go get my swim trunks and meet you there at 3pm?"

"Sure" I sniffed.

And with that he got up and left.

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