The School

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Two Weeks later
PonyBoy's POV:
School came way too fast. At the moment Two-Bit is driving me and Johnny to school. I'm doing everything in my power not to cry right now.

"Alright we are here. Have a good day boys!" Shouts Two-Bit.

Me and Johnny get out the car.

We walk into the office. It's the same lady from last year.

"Aww PonyBoy Curtis, here's your schedule. I had been waiting on you!" She says cheerfully.

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asks Johnny.

"Johnny Cade." Johnny says quietly. His soft little voice is so sweet.

"Oh it looks like they have you down for the same schedule as PonyBoy."

Johnny nodded as she hands us both the same schedule.

"Have a great day boys!" She says kindly. She must be in a really good mood.

We good to class, and sit by each other in every class. Lunch came way too fast. Shit. I get a pizza, and an apple juice. It won't fill me up, but school gives me too much anxiety to get full anyway. I take my lunch tray shaking a little.

"Wanna go eat in the counselors room with me, Johnny?" I ask quietly.

"Sure." He answers.

We head straight there.

"H-hi Mrs. Summers. Is it ok if me and Johnny eat here, at lunch?" I ask. She was very familiar with me and my problems, since I got bullied in 9th grade too.

"Sure baby, you go right ahead. How are you doing?" She ask.

"Well, I still have some problems eating but other than that, I'm alright, with my medications..." I look down a little at the thought. I basically can't make it alive without my meds.

"That's good, I didn't enjoy seeing how skinny you had got. It scared me, what those bullies did to you." She was genuinely concerned, she was just a good counselor.

I began to eat. Surprisingly I made it through the whole meal, but then the guilt hit me. I cried quietly. Johnny hugged me, burying his face in my neck. After about 5 minutes I was ok. I said thank you to Mrs. Summers, as me and Johnny went to throw our trays away. The rest of the day was boring as ever, and I was happy to go home.

Johnnys POV:
We have homework and do it together since, I probably can't do it alone.

"Ugh am I stupid? Why do I need you, just to do 10th grade math?" I held my head in my hands as I sobbed. I was fed up with this math. Everything else was a breeze but I just can't do numbers.

PonyBoy kissed my neck. "Shhh it's ok. We all need a little help sometimes." He continued to be patient with me until we had all of it done.

Goodness what would I do without him?

When we we're done I gave him the biggest hug I ever have. I can't wait to marry this smart man.


The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now