The beauty, His beauty

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Day 11
Johnny's POV:
I sat up, Pony was still asleep, I was about to go get breakfast for us, but as soon as I stood up, I came back down.

The way I came last night, had my legs and ass sore.

Because of the thump, Pony woke up and picked me up in no time.

"Hey are you ok? What happened?" He held me in his lap, and kissed my temple.

"I'm ok just my ass is a little sore is all." I winced sitting on him hurt like hell.

*slight ED mention*

"I'm so sorry baby." He cooed. "I'll sit you down on the bed and I'll go get breakfast."

"No you really shouldn't, we can call room service." I protested.

"No im fine I swear not eating yesterday had made me feel a whole lot better." I wasn't in the mood to argue today. Not with my fiancé anyway.

"Fine but take your phone and if you feel uncomfortable just call me." I insisted.

"Ok sweets" off to get breakfast he went.

He came back 15 minutes later with two waffles for me, and for himself cereal.

"Pony I'm so proud of you for eating cereal today." I grinned.

"Anything for you fiancé." He smiled.

Later that day

We ended up going to Disney land around 3 it's now 6, but we just can't seem to run out of things to do here. We rode all these cool rides, even better than the carnival. We watched the fireworks, and got to eat lunch and dinner here. Tonight was the night, no doubt.

I yawned.

"Pone, can we go back to the hotel and sit in the jacuzzi?"

"Sure." He replied.

We got on a bus to the hotel, and then went up to our room to change. I was in our room changed when I heard sniffling. I opened the  bathroom door, to see a crying PonyBoy in his swimming trunks.

I turned him around and hugged him.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked softly.

"I look so ugly." He sniffed. I felt tears well up in my eyes, I hated hearing him talk like that. He continued, "and I'm going with you and your..." He paused "so h-hot" he broke down, and we both fell to the floor.

"You are too baby, and you look so pretty. Especially now that you eat. Your so beautiful, Pony." I cried. "I love you alright."

"I love you too" his face was red with tears.

"Do you still want to go to the jacuzzi? I don't think it'll be busy." I ask.

"Since your there, sure. It's worth it."

We get off the floor and head to the jacuzzi. I don't know what his eyes see sometimes, but all I ever see is beauty.

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now