The Togetherness

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Steve's POV:
Me and Soda are getting ready to go to the hospital, then to work. No one has talked much since Johnny and PonyBoy have been in the hospital. It's not the best feeling knowing two people that are like little brothers to you tried to, kill themselves. Me and Soda walk out the house leaving Darry, Two-bit, and Dallas alone.

We get in my car driving to the hospital.

"I'm excited to see them, hopefully tonight we can move them together." I tried to not seem tired, or too sad.

I'm tired of being sad. I just want to be happy again.

"Yeah I'll make sure to ask." Says Soda tiredly.

"Ok" I respond. The rest of the drive was silent.

We arrived at the hospital getting out the car.

"Who did you want to see first?" I ask. Probably his brother.

"PonyBoy, because he's doing worse." He states.

We go up the receptionist, asking to see PonyBoy Curtis.

We walk into his room, Soda goes straight to his side. Squeezing his hand. Seeing him is almost scary. Yesterday I didn't look at him too hard, because hearing the story was more than enough. But today I noticed just how bad off he was. His hair looked thin and tired, his face was peaceful yet hurting, he was so pale he looked dead. He had a tube that went straight to his stomach. His ribs shown very obviously. He also had a tube of blood going into him. And one for air. his lips also looked chapped and lifeless.

"I'm gonna ask if Johnny can get moved in here, I know he's in a coma but maybe you guys can touch hands or something. I know you love him, he does too, I promise." Soda meant everything he said.

PonyBoy's pov:
I felt my face heat up, and my heart rate increase when Soda talks about how Johnny loves me. I don't even have to wonder if they see it. Steve gasps. Soda releases my hand. I hear him crying. I hear Steve walk over and hug him. (Btw I don't actually know if you Blush in a coma I just guessed🙃)

"He's in there baby, he's in there." Steve soothes. Soda continues to cry's.

"I know he's in there, but it hurts because I want him out. I want to see him smile and laugh. And for him and Johnny to go have fun again. I just want him out." He whines.

"Pony we are gonna go talk to Johnny now. And I'm gonna ask if he can moved in here I know you want to be with him." Soda explains.  They say there goodbyes before I am left with silence again.

Johnnys pov:
I feel like I'm stuck inside a never ending jail cell. I want to get up and out, but right now I'm not going anywhere. The door opens. Who is it? I wonder.

"Hey Johnny" says Soda shakily, he sounded like he had been crying.

"Hey Johnny." Says Steve, I can't tell his emotions by his voice.

Soda takes my hand. I like when he does that, it feels nice to touch something again.

"We just left PonyBoy, I told him you loved him."my hands face and heart got warm, I'm happy he knows that. "He blushed, I saw it, Johnny, he's in ther-" he stopped. Did he see me blush too?

"Steve look." He squeezes my hand. "We've got to get him in Pony's room."

"I'll be back I'm gonna go ask the doctor." Steve nearly runs out the room by the sound of the footsteps.

"Johnny are you excited? We are gonna try to see if you guys can hold hands or something."

I felt my heart rate increase. Hold hands! I'd give anything to touch him right now.

Steve came back, "The doctor said he can move him right now."

Soda squealed. If I could I would be jumping up and down right now. I felt me and all my hooks and things, being rolled down the hallway to his room.

PonyBoy's pov:
"Johnnys coming in." Said a doctor.

Johnny! I felt my heart rate speed up.

"Aww he's happy." Says Soda seeing it go up.

"We outta head out to work, so we aren't late. The whole gang will be back at 7 tonight you two." I heard him a Steve walk out.

I could hear Johnny breathe, I could feel his presence it was amazing. I can't wait to hold him again.

_this chapter was really wholesome to write🥲 but the next one is even sweeter_

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