The Departure

367 2 7

Day 14
Johnny's pov:
I woke up after Pony, to my surprise. When I woke up his back was pressed into mine, and I could feel his d!ck come across my butthole. It stunk.

"Ouch" I whined. My butt was sore as hell.

"What is it Johnnycake?" He asked.

"My ass stings" I shifted a little. "And so does my c0ck, I think we fxcked too much yesterday."

"Yeah you're right about that I can barely stand." He stated. I sat up, wincing my butthole felt like it was going to explode.

"Baby, when you rode me yesterday, it definitely wore out my d!ck." Pony struggled to sit too.

"It wore out my ass, and then when you sucked me again, that's what made my d!ck hurt, but it felt so good I don't even care." I blushed and so did he.

We leaned in and kissed. Not a hungry, h0rny kiss. Just a sweet, soft one. I took his hand we basically held each other up, as we packed, got ready, ate breakfast, checked out of our hotel, then finally went to the airport.

Pony texted the gang and told them when he got on, and when we would get off the plane. We soon boarded it. Me and Pony put our stuff away and sat down. We cuddled up both laying on our side as our d!cks, and asses hurt.
When I woke up there was only 20 minutes until landing time. I glanced over at Pony. He had dark red marks all over his, jawline and neck. Yikes! I bet I looked the same. I pulled out my phone looking in the camera. I had them leading from my chin all the way to my d!ck. Damnit PonyBoy! Thankfully the gang can't see that far. it was 10 minutes till departure now. I shook Pony awake.

"Sweetie we're almost back home." I whispered.

"Really?" His sleepy voice was so sexy.

"Yeah." I whooped.

Before we knew it we were getting our stuff, and getting off the plane. As soon as we got off we started looking for the gang. Which is hard to do when you're hurting so bad that you can barely walk. The gang spotted us before we could see them. They all came running and engulfed us in a hug.

"The little brothers are back" cheered Steve. Seeing him happy was a rare occurrence.

Me and Pony smiled weakly, we were still super tired after yesterday.

"Did you guys do that to each other?" Asked Dally.

"Do what?" Pony asked looking at me.

He immediately saw the hickies he had left. His eyes widened. He pulled my shirt up, and then looked down my pants, before saying.

"Yeah that was me." We both blushed, his eyes wandered.

"Omg you left a trail down him!" Laughed Two-bit.

"Yeah and you don't look in better." Says Darry.

I then turn Pony's face, and lift up his shirt. He was glittered in red marks all from his jawline, down his stomach. No surprise.

Soda gasps, "Johnny did that?"

"Yeah I did." I blush harder.

"He's not as innocent as y'all's think he is." Insist Pony.

"You aren't either." I come back.

"Can we go home now I'm tired of standing in an airport." Whines Dally. In response we get in Darry and Two-bits car and go home. On the way inside we have to the climb steps. I glance at Pony knowing we probably can't go up.

"What's wrong you two. Too high and mighty to climb steps?" Jokes Soda.

We both give him a worried look that makes his smile go away.

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now