The Happy Ending

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Timeskip: 3 years later
PonyBoys POV:
So much as happened in the passed years. Johnny donated sperm and our baby boy was born last year. He just turnt 1 two months ago. I'd say he looks just like Johnny, he has dark swirly hair, brown eyes, and tan skin with light freckles. Johnny had his 27th birthday last week, and life couldn't get any better. I rarely have anymore problems with my eating disorder, and suicide? I'm off all of my medications, and I couldn't be happier.

Soda and Steve have two girls. Starkly who is four, and looks just like Soda. and Sobia who is two, and looks just like Steve. They are great dads and we often have to ask them for help, with things.

Darry ended up getting married a year after us, and he already has a baby on the way. No one knows the gender yet though.

Two-bit is happily single and doesn't seem like he's looks for love much anyway.

Dallas is a still wild and care free, but he knocked up some girl on accident and is gonna have a little Winston soon, he also is staying with her so I guess she's his girlfriend. He says her name is Marcia, I don't know her.

Life is going on a steady up and I don't think we're ever coming down.

- OK SO I REALLY WANT TO WRITE A SEQUEL ABOUT THEIR LIVES AS PARENTS SO J NEED YOU ALL TO TELL ME IF I SHOULD OR NOT, also I really hope you all enjoyed this story and it was a rollercoaster to write so I bet it was to read, anyway until next time bye guys, also don't forget to check out of Johnnyboy Oneshot book-

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