The Best Day Ever

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Day 10
PonyBoy's pov:
Johnny has been really distant since yesterday morning. After breakfast, he was gone somewhere until lunch, and then got again until dinner. I just stayed in the hotel all day. I didn't like going anywhere without him.

Today I haven't eaten at all, despite the fact he went downstairs and got breakfast for me. Lunch is on its way since it's 12pm, but who cares. My beautiful prince of a boyfriend isn't here. I decide to close my eyes and slip into sleep.

Johnnys POV:
I feel terrible for leaving Pony alone for two days, but when he sees what the cause was for he'll flip, no doubt. I get back to the hotel, and it's around 8:30 right now. The breakfast I left him is still there, and he's sleeping. Poor baby, he probably didn't do anything while I was gone. I take this as my opportunity to set up. I place rose petals all over the floor, and I pour us some of the fake wine-looking juice. And now I just had to wake him up. Oh also did I mention I had on a suit, with my hair actually looking decent.

PonyBoy's POV:
Warm hands shake me awake.

"Pony, sweetie I have a surprise for you." He said softly.

As I sat up I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before taking a good look at him and the room around us.

There was rose petals on everything, a wine looking drink on the balcony outside. But him. He had on a sharp black suit. Damn was he fine. I bit my lip as I blushed, suppressing a moan. And his hair was so pretty. All slicked back and jet black.

"Pony." He flaunted. "I know I'm hot but I have an even better surprise for you."

"What is it cause I'd like to see?" I asked excitedly.

"Ok but first I'm gonna put my phone right here because i really want to remember your reaction." He beamed.

Wow this must be really crazy then. He set up he phone before, quickly dropping down on one knee. I immediately sobbed, covering my face.

"S-sh!t" I gasped between sobs. "Johnny."

He pulled out a beautiful silver ring that had a small diamond in the center.

"Will you?" He paused from tears, as he had began crying too. "PonyBoy Michael Curtis, take me to be your husband, forever and always?" He choked out.

I nodded, "yes Johnny, I'll marry you." We both were sobbing.

He slid on the ring, and tackled me into a hug. Then I got up, showed the camera my ring and, stopped recording. Johnny then sent the video to the group chat with the whole gang in it.

Then I began to talk.

"Johnny you know I was literally talking to two-bit about how I thought you were gonna leave me." I cried softly.

"What?" He questioned.

I pulled him into my lap.

"Yeah the past two days we barely talked, and it really scared me." I sniffed.

"I'm sorry I made you think that but in reality... I actually asked your brothers if I could Marry you, before we even left."

"Really?" I widened my eyes in shock.

"Yeah" he continued. "Dally gave me the money for the ring, and Soda and Darry gave me approval, then I told everyone that I was gonna do it."

"I would have never known." I shook my head in surprise.

Ring, ring. Our phones sounded. It was the group chat, obviously.

We answered on my phone this time.

Before would we could even say 'hi' a crying Soda appeared.

"M-m-my l-little b-brother is-is g-g-gonna get m-m-marrieeeeddddd" he sobbed.

Wow this made me emotional, now I started to cry again too.

"I-I know S-Soda." Johnny wiped my tears.

"Ok Soda now it's your turn to propose to me." Steve said with shade.

"Oh shut up it would be the other way around." He sniffed.

"I'm excited for you guys, but Johnny, Ponys not getting married until he finishes school." Says Darry.

I shoot my head up in protest.

"It's ok I'm gonna finish school too." Pipes in Johnny with a smile.

"Ok if your there." I smile back.

"Ayo Pony, do any dumb sh!t to him and I'll beat your head in." Shouts Dally.

"I won't." I squint my eyes a little.

"Guys we think outta let the Fiancés go do there fiancée sh!t" laughed two-bit.

They all agreed. So we said our goodbyes. Tonight had been one hell of a ride.

I looked at Johnny then down at his pants.

"You would look really nice." I said harshly.

"What do you mean would?" He looked like he was gonna cry.

"I mean if it that suit was on the floor." I smirked.


He blushed. I lied him on the bed before, unbuttoning his shirt. I kissed him roughly, as I left hickies going down his neck. I hit his nipples and sucked.

"Fxck." He moaned.

I continued to suck as I undid his pants and underwear slipping them off. I also took off my own.

"Uuhh p-pony~" he moaned.

I slid my d!ck inside of him, watching his back arch.

"Damn~" I moaned. "How are you still so tight, and wet~" it felt amazing to be in him.

I began to thrust. Picking up the pace as we both moaned, and I grunted.

I started to hit his spot. Making him scream my name.

"Pony a-ahhhhh~" he threw his head back.

I threw both my hands on his throbbing c0ck.

"No uh-uh d-don't cxm yet." I was close but not there yet.

"Get your hands off my d!ck then c-cause I ca-can't uaaaahhhh~" he moaned, it was so hot seeing him struggle.

I stroked him faster. "Hold it just a little longer." I groaned. After about five seconds.

I hollered. "Go" I came into his a$$, it felt amazing. it was amazing. Johnnys moans were amazing.

He came all over his c0ck and I licked it off. I pulled out seeing my cxm leak out of him. I kissed him roughly before leading us both to the shower.

-eeeeieee I've been waiting so long for this one guys- it just makes to happy for them to be engaged

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now