The Early Release

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1 week later
Johnnys POV:
A week. I can't believe I've been here for a whole week. But, Mrs. Chang Tai said that if I continue to improve this much I might be out after next week, which would cut my time in half, since I'm supposed to be here a month. I get up and stretch a little, before Miss Gloria comes in with my breakfast. I eat and get to see Mrs. Chang Tai quickly, she is my first station today.

"Hi Mrs. Chang Tai." I wave a little for the first time in forever, I've felt happy recently. I even get to see Pony every other day.

"Hi Johnny, how are you feeling?" She ask happily.

"Smile great, I haven't felt this happy, or energetic in a while, and I think I'm ready to go home soon to be honest." My smile dropped a little, I did want to go home. I missed everyone I haven't seen any of the gang in weeks, besides Pony of course.

"Johnny with your improvements I'm almost sure we won't hold you past next week." She frowns a little.

"I think I want to get into drawing." I mention it seemed random, but this is therapy and I came to mind so I said it.

"Tell why it interest you?" She engages.

"PonyBoy, he's a great artist and he gets a lot of his feeling out with his sketches and the different fonts he can write in and... I just to be able to do that, I want o do able to get my thoughts out without always having to use my words." I sigh a little it's almost kind of frustrating for me.

"You should talk to Ms. Godwin, if anyone can teach you have to draw good fast. It's her, and I think it's amazing that you have considered other ways of communication beside words because sometimes they are unnecessary, so it's very useful for us as humans to have other methods." She babbles.

The rest of the session isn't anything fancy. I tell her goodbye focusing on nothing but getting out of here.

PonyBoy's POV:
It's lunch time. Today I get a bowl of Mac and Cheese, a water, and an apple sauce. My eating has gotten a lot better,  but I still need Mrs. Rishionson to be here with me to eat, I don't know why though, I guess so that I'm motivated to even eat at all. She walks in as I stare at my food. She sits beside me on my bed.

"Hey PonyBoy. You've got a good looking lunch today huh?" She smiles.

I feel myself smile just a small bit. "Yeah." I pick up my spoon. I close my eyes, taking a breath in. Before my brain has time to tell me not to, I dip my spoon into the Mac and cheese, and place it in my mouth. It taste amazing, and I haven't had it in only God knows how long. I begin to chew, and my brain starts to count calories the more I do so. Ugh, not this again. I feel tears slip down my face as I swallow.

"I-it's so m-many calories." I sob quietly.

"That doesn't matter you need it. To live, and thrive, and be healthy again. PonyBoy your 40lbs underweight you have too." She wipes my tears as I take another bite. I finish the bowl before the guilt comes.

"I-I ate it a-all." I whine.

"Yeah you did Ponyboy, great job." She sounds happy but I didn't mean it like that.

"Do you want your applesauce?" She ask.

I whimper. My stomach could eat it, but Im not sure I can.

"Im s-still hungry." I state sadly.

"Well then eat it baby." She encourages. I pick it up. My hand shaking so badly I think she could tell I couldn't do it.

"Do you want me to feed it to you?" She questions.

I nod. She opens it. Scooping a small amount into the spoon. I open my mouth slowly as tears fall down my face. The applesauce is bitter, and I'm happy because if it was sweet I don't think I would've been able to eat it. I continue to cry as she feeds me, until it's all gone.

"Are you full now PonyBoy?" She asks sweetly.

I nod, picking up my water; drinking some of it.

She engulfs me in a hug as I sob.

"You did so good baby. Im gonna try to release you with your friend, Johnathan. He's leaving after next week." She pats my back.

Johnnys getting out after next week. He must be doing great, good for him. Maybe I just suck.

-I hope the title didn't over-excite you too much😬but hey Early is still Early-

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