The Hospital

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PonyBoy's POV:
I see him go away into the ambulance. Please bring him back. Please God. Please! I can't live without my baby. I sobbed on the lot ground. There is so much blood on the ground, it hurts. Darry and Soda are wrapped around me because I'm shaking so bad that I'm not breathing right. We sit like this until my breathing evens out. We then get up and walk home. I want to die. I need to die. I get home walking straight to my room, looking for something made to kill. My lighter, I quickly light it and press the fire onto my wrist. It hurts like hell, but I've done it before. My skin peels away as blood runs out of my wrist. Fast. I walk to living room, swaying.

"I'll love you guys. Thank you all so much for everything." I feel myself fall. "Bye" i hit the ground, as my breathing slows.

Soda's POV:
Dallas calls 911. I'm sobbing too hard to do anything. Steve, Darry, and Two-bit are trying to get blood to stop gushing out of him. That's when I realized. He. Needs. Help. He is pale, and can't weigh much more than 100lbs despite the fact that he's 5,8 and 16 years old. As the ambulance goes away we all head to the hospital, to first see Johnny then Pony. I'm in Two-bits car with him and Steve.

"If you don't mind me asking." Started Two-bit. "What happened?"

"So" I didn't even have the tears to cry anymore. I was numb. "After Johnny ran out the house, he went the lot and k-" the blood came back to me.

His sobs came back to me. His last words came back to me. "I'll love you Pony forever and always." I broke down again before wincing. "He killed himself." I choked out.

The car went silent. I'm happy it did. They didn't cry, they just processed it. Then Steve said shakily.

"So Pony tried too?" He looked like he was gonna cry.

"Yep" I nodded my face red with tears.

He cried silently. Two-bit said nothing but there was nothing to be said anyway.

We reached the hospital, we asked to see Johnny Cade. We went straight to his room. Darry and Dally, were already there.

He was hooked up to a million tubes, and blood going into his arm.

"The doctors say he's not breathing on his own after the blood loss. They had to revive him. Twice." Darry sniffs. But I'm so happy he's alive.

I smile walking up to him. I touch his hand, it's a little cold, but I can tell he's there.
"Hey Johnny, it's me Soda." I cry softly, again. "Pony loves you, he tried to kill himself again, because he loves you so much." I cry.

Johnny's pov:
Being in a coma sucks. I'm happy to be alive, but at the same time I feel as though I should've died. I was dead for a little while.

"He's in a Coma Soda." Says Dally quietly. "But he can hear you, I swear."

Dally's voice hurts. I internally wince. He was like my big brother, or like the good dad I'll never have. The room is quiet, but there presence is still there. Soda continues to rub my hand, his hands are soft yet somehow sad. Very sad.

"We outta go see Pony. Maybe we can put them in the same room." Says Darry slowly. With that they all walk out.

Darry's pov:
I look down at my youngest brother. He has a feeding tube, making him do what he hates most. Eat. Soda is crying again, this time Dally is too. We are all overwhelmed. In comes the doctor.

"Hello, you all must be family of PonyBoy Curtis?" We nod.

"Well this one here actually lost less blood, but because of his weight. He is doing worse." He pauses. "We had to put him in an induced Coma, if he wakes up to fast, he'll be at risk for heart failure."  We nod. I watch as Soda walks over to him.

PonyBoy's POV:
Soda squeezes my hand. I can't believe I'm not dead.

"Hey little buddy." He's crying, his voice is raspy. "Johnny is in a coma too. We hope that soon we can get you two moved to the same room."

I felt my insides smile. Johnny. I missed him, so so much. I'm happy he's alive. I'm happy I'm alive.

"I know he misses you. He loves you, so much. We do too ok?" He rubbed the back of my hand. I hear him cry harder.

Everyone else is dead silent. Too many emotions to speak. Too many words to say. Soda continues to talk to me. After about 15 minutes. They say there goodbyes and leave.

-the chapter is really sad, but hey at least they are alive😃-

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