The Therapy

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*mentions of ED*
Ponyboy's POV:
I walked into my therapist room, feeling the desk lady let go of my hand.

"This is Miss. Rishionson and she will be your therapist for your whole time here you will get an hour everyday just to talk to her." The desk lady smiled happily before walking off.

I just stood and stared awkwardly, fidgeting with my hands a little.

"Are you Ponyboy Curtis?" She had a country accent and couldn't be much older than 40.

I just nodded.

"You're a quiet little kid." She cooes. "Go ahead and sit down in the chair right there, tell me about yourself, what do you like to do?"

There is a medium sized teddy bear in the chair, I pick it up and wrap my arms around it like it's all I've got.

"Well, I like to watch the sunset, and I used to run track." I don't look her in the eyes, I never look people I just met in the eyes.

"Can you tell me why you don't run track anymore?" She is already writing things down on her notepad.

"I got too skinny and physically couldn't do it anymore." I looked down even more, hugging the bear tighter.

"I know you have a disorder." I winced, my body flinching a little. She reached out touching my knee. "Hey we don't have to talk about yet if you don't want to." She rubs my knee a little.

I haven't had a mom in so long I forgot what true motherly comfort was. I felt myself relax.

"I-it's ok we can." I keep the bear clutched.

"How did your disorder start?" I honestly forgot, until the memories rushed back. I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"When I was 13 and I started eighth grade, people started bullying me." I let the tears fall as I cried, "people used to call me pig at lunch, and I was only a little chubbier than everyone else, but a little was still too much." I continued to cry as I explained. "At first it was just me not eating lunch, then breakfast, and finally when I barely ate at all, the bad names stopped. Then." I paused letting out a true sob. "My parents died." Miss Rishionson jumped out of her seat to give me a much needed hug, as I cried into her shirt.

After a minute she pulled away.

"It's been a hour PonyBoy, but if you ever need to talk to me throughout the day I'll be right here."

I nodded as she walked me to my next place.

Johnny's POV:
I had just finished my "paint your feelings out class" where I painted hearts on an easel. But anyway I was now on my way to my therapist. The art class teacher Ms. Godwin, walked me into my therapist room.

"Goodbye Johnny see you tomorrow." Off she went.

I stared at the lady in front of me.

"Hello Johnny, I'm Mrs. Chang Tai your therapist." Stated Mrs. Chang Tai enthusiastically.

"Hi" I nearly whispered.

I took a seat in the chair in front of me. There was a teddy bear in the chair, I took it and set it in my lap. I liked it, it made me feel safe.

"So Johnny, tell me about what life is usually like for you." Asked Mrs. Chang Tai.

"Well..." I thought about how I haven't seen my parents in months. And I was only happy with Pony and the Gang. And how I'm a useless hood. The tears that I didn't even even know about slipped down.

"It's been great, recently, but it wasn't always like that..." I looked down, feeling nothing but sadness.

"What is is Johnny? You can tell me what's bothering you?" She soothed, and I don't know why but something about her made what she did easy to believe. "You can tell me", so I did tell her.

"Well me and my boyfriend went on a vacation where I proposed to him, and I have amazing friends, but my parents..." I broke down. "H-hate me." Was all I could get out.

She reached out for my hand, but I flinched and whimpered. "Please don't. S-sorry, its a h-habit." I cried harder. My head hurts from holding things in, but I have no choice.

"It's ok, but I need you to get it out Johnny, no one's judging you so I need you to let go for me. I need you to tell me whats bugging you, what's stopping you?" She rubbed my hand softly.

"It's my parents!" I screech. "My dads been beating since I was twelve because I'm gay, and he doesn't like it." I paused to breathe. "My mom doesn't give a shit about me, and I just feel like I failed as a son. Like Im failing as a person. Like I'm not good enough, for anyone or anything good." I cried.

Mrs. Chang Tai wrapped her arms around me.

"It's ok, not everyone is meant to be a parent, but you have a good support system with your friends and your fiancée then that's what matters."

She rubs my back some more before asking,

"What's your fiancé like?" She sits back down.

I feel my blush creep onto my cheeks.

She smiles.

"I love everything about him. He's got a lot going on, but I don't care he's my hot mess. He loves sunsets, books, baths, he used to like track and school. He has greenish- gray eyes and light freckles, he's pale, and skinny but taller than me. I really love him." I paused smiling bigger, "a lot."

"He really sounds perfect for you Johnny I'm glad he makes you happy, now we just have to find other things that make you happy too. But our hour is up and I'll see you tomorrow, but if you need me I'll be here." States Mrs. Chang Tai.

"Bye Mrs. Chang Tai." I wave on my way out the door.

-THX YOU ALL FOR OVER 200 READS, that is absolutely CRAZY🥰-

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