The Things We Could Do Forever

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Day 8
Sodas pov:
It was 11am here so I was sure that they where awake already. I picked up my phone and dialed Pony. I honestly missed my brother. A lot. And Johnny. I was now the youngest in the gang without them here, and I didn't love it.

"Hey Pone, Johnny, how you guys doing?" They where a whole lot tanner than they usually were. Must've the California sun.

"Good morning Soda." Pony responded groggily. Me calling must've woke him up. Johnny's arms were wrapped around his chest.

"Sorry if I woke you up, it's already 11 here." I apologized.

"It's alright we need to eat anyway." I heard Johnny groan, a little.

"Hey Soda." I heard him say.

"Hey Johnny, have you been having as much fun as Pony has told me about?" Pony had eventually told me about the physic and the carnival, and how many times they went to the beach.

"Yeah having fun with your brother." I could practically hear him smirk.

Pony went red. "Shoosh" he hushed.

My mind clicked. I made a pure realization face.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhh, omg Darry, would, flip." I smirk and laughed.

"Soda please don't tell." Pony looked petrified.

"Oh I won't tell..." I let that sink in for a second.

"Darry that is..." I finished.

"Soda Wait!" He pleaded.

"Gotta go bye!" I hung up so quick.

I was actually gonna tell, Steve, Two-bit, and Dally. Darry would kick both their asses.

Johnny's Pov:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I hugged him.

"It's ok, as long as Darry doesn't know we'll live." He smiled.

I loved his smile. I kissed him. Before getting up to get dressed to go get breakfast. Then he offered.

"Hey Johnny, I think I want to try to get breakfast today?" He seemed unsure of what he had just said.

"Are you sure?" I asked trying to see if I was right.

"Yeah, I want to try." He replied more sure this time.

*ED warning*

PonyBoy's POV:
My eating had been getting better and better so as I reached the breakfast area of the lobby, I prayed I wouldn't gag, or get any weird looks.

The smell. It haunted me. I picked up Johnny two muffins and some fruit, and myself, just some toast jelly and fruit. I honestly had no appetite. It took everything out of me not to gag at the smell of food.

I made it back up to the hotel room. I gave Johnny his food before sitting down to eat mine. Ugh. Eat.

"I-I c-can't." I shook. I put my plate behind me as I got up and sprinted to the bathroom. Throwing up whatever was in my stomach.

I sobbed loudly.

"Hey it's ok not everyday is gonna b-be a good d-day." He soothed, I think he was crying too.

We wrapped our arms around each other.

"Why are you crying sweetheart?" I asked.

"Because you know I don't l-like seeing y-you h-hurting baby, I-is all." He cried.

"I love you Johnny. So so much ok. I'm not trying to hurt you." I sobbed.

"I know Pone, I love you too ok." We stayed balled up together,and I hoped that we could be like this forever. Cuddling. Forever. Together. Forever. In love. Forever.

-Will definitely be posting another chapter soon because this one was s h o r t-

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now