The Club

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Day 12
Johnnys pov:
We are at the club again only this time nobody's getting drunk. We are just dancing, and having fun. We are near each other but not touching. I go to order us drinks again none alcoholic. That's when I look over to see, some girl's hand going down Pony's pants. She looks to be about twenty something, definitely old enough for this to be illegal. It's obvious she was rubbing him without his will, because he was backed into the wall bright red and crying. Uh-oh he's shaking. He's about to have an anxiety attack. I watched him mouth "please", before I decided that I had seen more than enough.

I take our drinks and make my way back over to him, handing him his drink.

"Hey baby, whose this?" The women immediately takes her hands off of him, and zips up his pants.

He clings onto me for dear life, but his breathing isn't getting any better. The woman connects the dots before backing away, I guess she realizing that after seeing me, he was gay, and underage.

"C-can w-we p-please leave." He gasped out.

Thankfully the hotel was right across from the club.  As soon as we arrived, he collapsed onto the floor, shaking hard as he sobbed. His breathes we're short gasps. The anxiety attack had already came.

"Hey hey hey!" I pulled him to my lap laying his head on my chest. "Slow down, breath" I soothed.

He listened to my heart beat as his breathing evened out. He was still crying though, I kissed the top of his head wiping his tears.

"Your okay now. I promise." He wrapped his arms around my middle, spooning me. I don't care if he has anxiety, I'll love him forever.

-I'm stuck at 61 views so if you see this- Tysm for reading this 🫶

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