The Arrival

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Johnny's POV:
I immediately pulled my phone out and took pictures of the place once we arrived, and left the airport. Man it was hot here. I mean it is July. The stuff here was so cool. We were headed towards our hotel and might I add I've never been inside a hotel before. I've only seen ragedy motels and stuff, in Tulsa. Me and Pony held hands and walked with our stuff to find our hotel. It was called the Freehand Hotel and golly it was beautiful. Especially from where we  are. We were on the 16th story the view was stunning.

Pony kissed me quickly before saying.

"Wanna call the Gang JohnnyCake? I'm sure there probably worried since we haven't seen them in 4 hours." He stated.

"Yes sure, I would love to show them the view, call the group chat please!" I squealed in excitement.

Pony kissed my cheek and pulled me down onto his lap. Then he called the group chat but we only talked from his phone. 

"Hey guys!" He said happily.

"Hey Pone, Johnny, how are things going?" Soda asked happily.

"It's beautiful up here." Pony stated satisfied.

"How'd you know we'd would want a view?" I asked smiley. I squirmed a little. I heard Pony groan, I hope I'm not hurting him.

"It was actually Dally's idea, he knew about how y'all like sunsets and stuff." Chimes in Two-Bit.

"That's nice." I replied happily.

"Hey pony can I go show them the balcony view?" I asked squirming a little more since I was super happy.

His face was bright red. Don't know why though.

"Sure" he nodded.

I got up and showed them the view, they cooed over it. Then I realized that it was two hours earlier here.

"Omg guys we have so much time because it's two hours earlier here! I'm gonna see if Pony wants to go to the beach, since it's super hot here. But anyways guys we'll talk again later. Byeeeeee." And with that I hung up.

"Hey pone, wanna g-"

"Y-you squirmed too m-much" he groaned quietly, and looked down. I knew exactly what he meant.

"If you want me too. I c-can fix it for you?" I blushed lightly, what did I just get myself into?

"Ok that's fine" he smiled a little.

I walked over to him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, so I got on my knees.

"And your completely fine with this?" I asked, consent was important. I remember when I wasn't given it...

"Yes Johnny, I love you, so I trust you, baby." He blushed even more.

I unzipped his pants and saw his bulge through his underwear. He was big. I gulped, I can't tell if it was nervously or if I was turned on. I slowly pulled his underwear down seeing his d!ck spring up.

"Shit" he murmured.

I started rubbing him slowly, almost to tease.

"uhh~ J-Johnny can you p- uhhhh~" before he could finish I full blown started giving him a h& j0b. I sped up super quickly and he was obviously living for it. As his head threw back in pleasure.

"aahhh~ Johnny I'm gon- ooooooohh~" he panted. He came all over my hand, I went to the bathroom and found a towel to wipe it off with. When I came back he smirked at me.

"Did you think this was over?" He said, getting up and walking to me.

I turned deep red as he pinned me to the wall.

"You deserve a reward for your actions Johnnycake." He giggled just a little. He picked me up, and threw me onto the bed.

"Can I take these off?" He seemed so pleased, and I nodded, I honestly had never seen this side of PonyBoy before.

He slid off my pants and underwear, which was when we both noticed that I had been just as hard as him. He smirked, and then he bent down and kissed my d!ck. I let out a small moan.

"Aww, my little Johnnycake likes it when I kiss his, er3cti0n$." I blushed.

"Is it ok if I do this?" He asked putting a finger at my entrance.

"Yes", I answered softly.

He slid in one finger. I didn't hurt too bad so I tried to stay quiet. He put another one in, slowly thrusting, when suddenly on the third finger, all the pain went away. It felt amazing. He was thrusting in and out faster and faster. And by now I was m0aning his name.

Then his fingers curled, hitting my sp0t.

"Aaaaah~" I belted out a m0@n. damn that felt great.

He kept going hitting it over and over again.

I was panting, "p-Pony I-I'm g-"
"Nope not yet, no your not." He stopped thrusting. I almost cried. I rocked myself a little.

"PonyBoy! Please, I'm close!" I whined.

"Uhh no. I don't think you want it that bad."

"PONY PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE MOVE!" I screeched I just might kill him if he doesn't move.

"Ok you asked for it." He pulled out before slamming back into me. Hard.

"UUHHHHH" i moaned so loud I'm sure if anyone was in the room next to us they heard. I c@m3 all over my stomach. I shook a little, and my eyes rolled back in my head for a second.

"P-Pony." I panted. "That was s-so good."

"Anything for my Prince." And with that his kissed me and lied down next to me, guess the beach would have to  wait until tomorrow.

I'm not a huge smut writer but this story definitely has some more😏. I'll give more warnings tho so don't worry.

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