The thoughts of you being gone. Forever.

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PonyBoy's pov:
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Dallas yelled. "Two-bit called me worried as fuck about your stupid ass! Don't ever pull anything like that again, or I'll just kill you myself."

He carried me to his car, I was so stunned by the fact someone had saved me i just didn't say anything at all.

We arrived at my house, me and Dally got out and walked inside.

Everyone was here they were staring at me, judging me. PonyBoy your a fat pig. Why aren't you dead? Why are you here? Johnny hates you by the way. Your ugly. And disgusting. You have too may problems. No stop! Please help! Make it stop!

I collapsed onto the ground.

"Stop no! Stop please stop! Please go away! Please!" I covered my ears.

They came in faster. Ugly. Disgusting. f*gg*t. Weird. Stupid. Problematic. Selfish. Fat.

I was breathing so fast, that I was shaking. The words, they wouldn't stop.

"Hey it's ok, Pony I'm here." It was Soda. He wrapped his arms around me to calm my shaking. Pulling me closer to him my head on his chest.

"Soda make it stop!" I screeched. Then I whispered.
"please." I begged. The words quieted, just a bit when he talked.

"Make what stop?"he asked quietly.

"T-the" I panted. "The voices." I sobbed. I just wanted it to end. "There telling me I-I'm disgusting. A disgusting freak. Th-they say j-Johnny hates me." I screamed and cried and shook.

"Johnny can you come here!! Pony needs you!!" He yelled. "Pony, Johnny's been laying in your bed all day, he thought you hated him. Pony, he loves you. He told me, he really does."

"No he doesn't! why would he?! I'm a fat, f*gg*t, and I should've died earlier!" I shook and sobbed, I don't know how I was still breathing?

"Pony!" Johnny cried.

Soda handed me to him. I instantly felt better. The voices went away. And I listened to his heart beat, it was beating for me. I felt myself being carried, and placed into bed I snuggled up next to who I hoped was Johnny and fell asleep.

Soda's POV:
The whole gang was in the living room, the whole situation went down right in front of the door. We all just sat and thought in silence for a moment, before Darry spoke.

"What are we gonna do with them?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Dally.

"Johnny basically lives with us because he gets his ass kicked every time he goes home, and they are both very suicidal, and Pony doesn't eat like he should. Which i am just now realizing."

We all sat in silence again. Then it hit me.

"All they want is each other." I spoke. Everyone looked at me.

"When Johnny came in Pony was instantly way better, and when Pony was gone... Johnny never got out of bed." I continued. "They need each other, but Pony's in denial and Johnny can't fix all of Pony's problems"

We needed a plan and we needed it fast.

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