The California

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Darry's POV:
The next day
I got up and made breakfast for everyone. Pony and Johnny walked in giggling a little, and hold hands.

"I see you two woke up with cold hands?" I smiled lightly so they wouldn't think I was mad, because I wasn't.

I knew both of my brothers were into guys, Soda made it obvious because Steve duh. And Pony. Well Pony tried to hide it but it still came through very obviously.

Anyway they blushed and I chuckled a little.

"I need to talk to you guys, after breakfast ok?"

They both nodded quickly and then went to sit down and eat.

Me and rest of the older guys in the gang, had made our plan and now we, well I had to tell the couple about it, I really hope that they aren't mad.

After breakfast

I was standing at the sink. When I called them over.

"Hey boys, I need to tell you all something."

They glanced at each other before getting up and walking over to me. They looked really scared.

"You guys are leaving for LA tomorrow. Your flight is booked the whole gang will go to the airport with you, but in LA it will just be the two of you. I know this seems crazy but after last night Soda told everyone something that the rest of us somehow hadn't realized. You two need each other. That's why me and the gang made the decision to send you two to LA but only for two weeks. We booked a hotel and we are giving each of you 500 bucks, but don't do anything stupid because you'd be surprised how fast that amount of money can go in California. if you have anymore questions, just ask any of us." Wow that was a lot.

I walked off they seemed so stunned yet happy, but damn they needed it, the alone time that is. I was excited for them.

Johnnys POV:
I told Pony that I was going to my house to get clothes, I'm packing everything. I mean, I didn't have much, so what did it matter?

I walked in to my house, it reeked of Alcohol, my mom was passed out on the floor and my dad was sitting on the couch sipping his liquor.

"Oh look hun our f*gg*t of a son came home for once, even though he knows we never wanna see him." He said sluggishly.

"Hi dad." I tried to hide any emotions that could have possibly been shown.

I quickly went to my room grabbed the biggest bag I could find which was an old suitcase, and stuffed all my stuff in it. Before running back out the door Pony's house. I'm surprised I didn't get a beating from my dad, good, I didn't need it anyway.

I walked back into his room.

"I got my stuff and I can't wait to be with you for two weeks, Pone." I said happily.

"Me too." He said quietly.

"What's wrong, hun?" I soothed.

I reached out to hug him and I rocked him a little, which was pretty hard considering how much taller than me he was.

"I'm just gonna miss the g-gang is all." He cried.

Then it hit me. Hard. I was gonna miss them too.

We cried and rocked, until we both layed down and went to sleep.

This is when it starts to get interesting. 😀 Trust me. 😃.

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now