The Lake

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PonyBoy's Pov:
I met him at the lake at 3 like we agreed I honestly didn't really feel like swimming because I didn't want to take off my shirt.

"Hey Pony watch this!"
Johnny runs and dives into the lake and comes out with his hair wet. It looks amazing. And his abs looked so fine. I bite my lip and let out a quiet moan. He would never like me because I'm a f*gg*t, nobody in Tulsa likes people like me. He walks toward me and holds out his hand to which I take.

"c'mon Pone get in the water, I know your hot. And don't worry about how you look, sexy." He smirked Lighty. I blushed.

Sure enough his convincing skills worked and I took my shirt off and hopped in after him. We play fought in the water. Man was he hot.

It neared 6 o'clock before we decided that we needed to go back home.

We showered and ate. I didn't want to but I was doing it for Johnny, as soon as dinner was over, Johnny went to my room, and I went to the bathroom. I quickly threw up dinner. Can't. Gain. A. Single. Ounce. I then went to my room and cuddled up to Johnny, slowly drifting into sleep.

ok I swear the chapters are gonna get longer just- we're getting there 😭.

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