The Public

388 2 13

*smut incoming*
Johnnys POV:
I wake up to PonyBoy rolling back into the room. He must have finished up his test.

"Glad you're awake Mr. Cade it's your turn for test." Ugh i really don't want to.

The nurse lady takes my bed rolling me out and into a room with her and two doctors.
A brunette lady who looks to only be about 30 something, and a man that is probably over 50.

"We will just be asking you to do basic things, to see how bad off you'll be long term, also I'm Doctor Morgan, this is Doctor Dave, and your nurse is Mrs. Cameron." States Dr. Morgan.

"Can you talk Johnny?" Questions Dr. Morgan. Which that had got to be the most dumbass question I've heard in a while. If I could talk don't you think I would have said something by now?

I shake my head in response.

"Can you try?" Ask Dr. Dave.

"This is how I sound when I try to talk." My voice was a whisper.

"Ok that's not much different from, your friends voice. PonyBoy."

"Can we see if you can walk?"

I nodded. Mrs. Cameron held my hand, sitting me up before I tried to place my legs on the floor. My body felt heavy as I stood. I tried to take a step, but it was really slow considering how bad I was shaking.

"Ok I've seen enough. He can sit down now." States Dr. Dave.

They whisper for a second before getting back to me.

"We have decided that you will stay in the hospital 5 more days as well as PonyBoy, from there you two with be headed to Tulsa's Mental Wellness Center."

I was happy about staying with PonyBoy in the hospital, but the TMWC I didn't want to go. It wasn't my first time being threatened with that either... The day after I got raped, I tried overdosing on some pills I found in my moms purse. I didn't take enough and ended up just passing out, but nevertheless I woke up in the hospital, alive.

"Ok" I whispered,  not purposely though.

After this, Mrs. Cameron rolled me back into my room with PonyBoy.

"What did they tell you?" He croaked, his voice was a whisper too.

"They said I get out with you." I smiled. We leaned across giving each other a kiss. Our beds were touching so it wasn't that hard. I held his left hand as his right one was on the side of my face, going into my hair. I placed my left hand on his right arm. Our kiss was deep, but not h0rny, we were too tired and weak for that, or so we thought. We pulled away, surprised to see Dally and Two-bit.

"How long have y'all been standing there?" Ask Pony, blushing.

"Long enough to see that. It's ok though we know you guys are addicted to each other. We just came to see how you guys were doing." Stated Dal.

How was I doing? Well my head hurt, and my wrist stung, and I was too weak to walk yet, but other than that I was doing pretty alright, that is physically...

"My head hurts, my wrist stings, and I cant really walk yet. But I'm fine." I say cheerfully.

"That doesn't sound fine to me. How much longer do you have to be here anyway?" Ask Two-bit.

"Five more days." Says PonyBoy.

Dallas sighs.

"Rest up guys, I'll tell the gang that." Says Two.

"Alright" says PonyBoy.

"Bye boys" they both walk out.

"Where were we?" Pony smirks. No no no not here, I can't do anything weird in a hospital.

"No Pony t-this is a p-public pl-ace" I say trying to be stern, but of course my stupid stutter comes out at the worst times.

"Baby boy," he begins, i whimper. No not here. I feel my c0ck go hard.

"No one will come in unless we give them a reason to. Be quiet and daddy can milk you whenever, where ever you want." I feel my  body squirm, I moan covering my mouth.

He slips his hand under my hospital gown, pulling himself closer to me. He strokes me, his soft hands send pleasure through my dick. He puts his mouth on my tip, kissing it. I bit my lip with a quiet moan. He engulfs my dick, sucking slowly.

"uh~daddy, m-more please~" I whimper, he starts bobbing his head going up and down on my length, over and over again. It's really hard to be quiet when your balls feel amazing.

"Daddy~" I moan out, whispering. Well my voice is a whisper anyway. My thighs began to shake. He slows down. Looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"aaahhh daddy please~" he just flicks at my tip with his tounge. I slip my c0ck out of his mouth, it throbbed so bad. I stroked myself fast, I was really close. I threw my head back, I was about to milk. Just then my hands are pinned by my head. I whimper feeling a tear come down my cheek.

"Daddy please." I cried. My dick hurt. I needed to milk.

"Please daddy, I need to milk."The tears continued to slip down.

"You know I don't like it when you touch yourself, baby boy." I whimpered, my cock looked full, I just want to milk.

"But you won't do it daddy." I whispered.

"I will, but now you need to wait because you tried to do it yourself." He snaked his arms around my waist.

He rocked back and forth on my dick, letting out small moans. I moaned into his ear. He blushed. I stuck two of my fingers up his butthole. I thrusted them slowly. He bit his lip. He began to stroke me again slowly. My breath quivered.

"D-daddy please don't s-stop." I curled my fingers letting them hit his spot.

He gasped before moaning "baabbyy~" he moaned out. His back arched, I continued to curl my fingers up letting them hit his spot over and over again.

"Can I cxm?" He ask.

"No" he strokes my ache faster.

"Please~" he moans. I keep my hand thrusting, pulling him up and engulfing his dick,  i sucked and licked.

With my other hand I grab his butt cheek, giving it a squeeze. I come off his c0ck before saying.

"Nope" I go right back to sucking. He is shaking with pleasure. He circles my tip, before stroking me as hard as he can.

My mouth releases his dick, continuing by stroking him, I let out a shaky moan. "Uuuuaaaahhh~ D-daddy that feels," I gasp my back arching. "A-maz-zing~" my body shakes aggressively.

"J- uh~" I hit his spot. "Please~ ooooh gosh~ can i~ uh" his face is bright red, and he is panting, I kiss his nipples. "Mhmmm~" he moans. I whimper.

"Can I milk d-daddy?" I was still shaking.

"Go ahead. C-can I cxm please~"

"Yeah" we came at the same time.

"UAAAAHHHH" I screamed.

"AAAAUUHH" he screamed too. He came all over my chest but licked it up. I came in his hand, I licked it off of him.

He cuddled into me tiredly, " that was so good prince."

"Anything for you daddy." We yawned, needing to sleep.

-see now.... Hospital sex. Is a different breed fr.-

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now