The Don'ts

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Johnny's pov:
I woke up with Pony's head nuzzled into my chest. He looked so beautiful with his plump lips and soft looking face.

"I love you. So much." I whispered.

He jolted up. So quick it scared me.

"You do?" He questioned.

"Yeah, Pone" I blushed lightly.

His eyes filled with tears. As he ran to put on clothes before, sprinting out of the room.

"Pony!" I screamed not knowing where he was going.

Two-Bit's Pov:
PonyBoy sprinted past me tears in his face.
"Hey kid where you going?"
He didn't look back and kept running. Out the door he went. I pulled out my phone and called Dally.

"Hey" I said quickly.

"PonyBoy ran out the door frantic as hell; I need you to make sure he doesn't do it ya'know him and Johnny have a lot of Problems." I stated quickly.

"Ok I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Dal answered.

Dally's Pov:
I knew exactly where to go. I've known multiple people to die here so I got in the car I stole and sped away. I hope he didn't make it there before me or else his brothers will kick our asses.

PonyBoy's pov:
I ran and ran and ran. I was goin to the train tracks I reached them and with no hesitation lied down. If my own best friend was going to pretend to love me when I genuinely loved him then I don't wanna live anymore I have no reason to.

Johnnys POV:
I sat on his bed and cried. He probably thinks I'm a stupid freak. Like my parents do. I shouldn't have said it, he thinks I'm a complete weirdo now. I sobbed loudly no reason to hide it now, he was gone forever.

PonyBoys pov:
I saw it coming, the train, and just as I closed my eyes rough hands picked me up and yanked me away from death.

This chapter definitely took a turn lol. The chapters are gonna get longer and longer, so I know they seem short right now but I just suck at expositions.

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now