The Gone

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Johnnys POV:
Today is Pony's birthday and me and the gang woke up at 5am to decorate the house. It was now 9am. The living room was littered in balloons, I had made a chocolate cake, and soon Darry would start on breakfast. Me, Soda and Steve all sat down tiredly on the couch. Dal and Two had both bought him beer, but drank half the case, and were passed out on the floor. Soda and Steve scrapped some money together and bought him a bike, so he wouldn't have to walk to school, which started in a week. I got up to get a water. Which was when Pony walked in. He had on gray sweatpants, and no shirt. I looked him up and down smiling.

"Hey baby." I say walking up to him, placing my hands on his waist, giving him a quick kiss.

He blushes, snaking his arms around his body. I see him eyes stare at the cake, he panics. I see it all over him. He winces before sprinting to the bathroom. I break down in tears. Pacing. Darry goes straight to the bathroom. Steve gets up and engulfs me in a hug.

"He n-needs help." I whine. "He needs help." I say louder my voice gets raspy. "He needs help and I-I-I can't help him!" I scream. The tears are coming so fast I can barely see. I run out the door screaming.

"I can't help him!" I sprint to the lot, I'm useless, I can't help him. I scream. "I can't help him!" I yell out. I flip out my switch blade, looking at my wrist. I've. Got. To. Go.

PonyBoy's pov:
"Where's Johnny?" I screech, my voice is hoarse, but I don't care I need him.

"I don't know" says Soda "he ran"

I got up stumbling. I sprinted out the door straight to the lot, he would never go anywhere else. Darry and Soda are right behind me, but I don't care I need to see him.

I am about ten feet away from him. He looks me dead in the eye and says.

Johnnys pov:
"I'll love you Pony, forever and always" I slice a deep long line along my vein. I wince falling to the ground, sobbing as the blood in my arm runs out.

"No!" I hear Pony shout, hearing his voice just makes the pain even worse.

Next thing I know, Pony is right beside me, before the world goes black, then black to white. I'm gone.

_THE AMOUNT OF TIME I CONSIDERS ENDING THE STORY RIGHT HERE- but I can't I just need the happy ending🩷_

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