The Double Take

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*More Smut in this Chapter*
Day 3
Darry's POV:
I haven't heard from them since yesterday around 7pm. It was now 11 the next day, but since it was only 9 there I decided to give them a call.
"Hey Johnny." I called.

"Hey Dar." He replied happily.

"What are y'all doing? I haven't heard from y'all in a while."

"We're re about to go out i don't know where but somewhere." He sounded ready for an adventure.

"Ok but it's late so don't do anything too dumb, and like I said don't blow too much money." I said just slightly sternly.

"Also tell Pony I said hi."

"Alright we'll call you again later Darry." He replied.

And with that we hung up, I'm sure they'll be smart Ponys always off in Lala land but Johnny will hold them down. I'm sure of it.

Later that night
Johnnys POV:
PonyBoy was so drunk. We had gone to a small bar in the area surprisingly, nobody was all over us or anything everyone was in their own world. Also they didn't check for our age... I didn't want to drink, cause of my dad... but also one of us had to be sober to make back to the hotel alive.

"Heeeeyyyy cuuuutttie heeheehee." He slurred giggling a little.

I was so confused, was this him forgetting about me, flirting, then coming back? Or was he just playing.

"Hey Pone." I answered calmed, I'm honestly a little scared because the only kind of Drunk I've ever known were my parents...

"Wooooow seexxxyyy knowwwssss my naaaaaamee hehehehe." He giggled a little, putting a hand on my chest.

"Pony, go dance off your drunkness, and then we'll go back to the hotel in a minute." He obviously forgot I knew him.

"Whatevvverrr youuuu wannnttt." He spoke.

As soon as he walked away. I let myself have some fun, I began to dance a little by myself, just for me, myself, and I. For fun.

PonyBoy's pov:
I continued to watch this boy from across the room, dayum he was fine as hell. He had tan skin, black eyes, and black swirly hair. As he danced his hips rolled in circles. I felt something in my pants unravel. I needed him.
I walked right up to him planting a big sloppy kiss on his lips.

"I have a boo-boo and I need you to kiss it better." I smirked.

"Take me to wherever this hotel place is baby." My d!ck was a rock and I needed him.

"Ugh, c'mon Pone." He tugged me along.

We arrived at his hotel, boy was it nice.

I immediately pulled his pants down.

"C-can I please put it in?" I asked.

"Only if you want to hun." He replied.

I quickly took his underwear off. And put his c0ck in my mouth. I sucked once and he was already moaning my name.

"uuhhhhh- P-Pony" he whimpered.

Damn that turned me on.

"Wait" I said. I quickly took my pants and underwear off too. I pulled him onto the bed straddling him.

I. Needed. Him. Now.

I slid his warm, wet, d!ck into me.  It hurt but only a tad bit.

"Mhhmmmm, your s-so warm." I began to ride him.

He slowly started to thrust into to me at the same time.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH." I yelled into a moan.He had hit it. My scream spot. That's what I called it, because I knew it would make me scream, I don't know how? I just knew. He hit it two more times.

Until he let out a sweet moan himself, and then finally c@me inside of me.

It was a warm, and liquidity. In return of this, I cam3 all over his stomach.

"Wow, mystery boy that was amazing!" I panted.

"Yeah" he almost whispered. Too bad he seemed so tired... I could go again.

_This was another short chapter, but it's whatever they will be in Cali for a while, so y'know, we'll get there eventually._ Also I do not promote having sex with drunk people if your sober! You shouldn't do that, but they are dumb teenage boys so it was bound to happen 😒.

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