The F*ck

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*the title says it all 👁️👄👁️ more smut guys🤭 ALSO 99 READS THX SO MUCH I CANT EVEN*
Day 13:
PonyBoy's POV:
I woke up on the bed guess Johnny had moved me there. Wait, where was he? Panic over came me. No please stop. Too late the voice said. The words came back this time new ones. He left your sorry, good for nothing ass. He's happy now with a new guy. I covered my ears.

"No stop" I cried, it didn't work. Then came the gasp. And short breaths. And the shaking. No going back now. I sobbed and rocked in bed, I was in a ball. My stomach started twisting in knots as I squirmed and my head pounded. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Stop!" I screeched. "Go away!" I screamed and cried.

"Breathe in through your nose." Said a familiar voice, I was so out of it I couldn't pinpoint it though.

I did as I was told, and tried opening my eyes. The gasp came right back. I closed them again. Breathing through my nose. I was still crying and squirming as the voices rung through my head.

"I-I can breathe b-but the v-voices won't s-stop." I cried.

"Stop talking to them. They don't exist. They just want to lie to you." The other voice told me.

I continued to breath through my nose, refusing to talk back to the voices. Which before I knew it, they stopped talking to me.
I stopped squirming, my head quit pounding, and I felt my body relax. I tried to open my eyes again, this time being successful.

"You did it all by yourself beautiful." Grinned Johnny.

I blushed, he was too cute. I looked over to see breakfast. It was just a fruit cup. Thankfully.

I was able to eat the whole thing. No problem.

"I'm so proud of you, Pone." Cheered Johnny.

"Thank you baby."

I put the cup down and lied back on the bed.

"What do you want to do today? Johnnycakes." I asked. I watched as his eyes ran freely across my body.

He was silent, I saw him looking straight at my d!ck. All I had on was my boxers, since I had woke up about 45 minutes ago. He was staring so hard, with an intense blush on his face. He bit his lip, and I heard him whimper a little. Might as well tease.

I asked more seductively, "what baby, what's on your mind?"

"I-I" he wanted me. Bad. "Nothing." He looked back up at my eyes, before whimpering louder this time.

"Well, I'll let you decide" I teased. I arched my back a little. Adjusting myself, and bending my leg.

He sat and stared some more, accidentally m0aning. Then he took his shirt and shoes off, laying next to me. He cuddled up to my side, sighing. It almost hurt to see how bad he wanted me, and wouldn't say it. I felt his rock of a c0ck softly rub against my leg, it made him whimper. And it turned me on. Since I was in boxers it was super obvious that I had got hard. I saw him look at it, biting his lip, and arching his back a little. He was struggling. I bent down and kissed him passionately, he moaned into our kiss. I pulled away, I wanted to see how long he could go, before asking.

"Who do you want to do today, baby boy~" I whispered in his ear.

He moaned shakily. "D-daddy~" he panted.

I moved my leg a little, so that it rubbed his c0ck, it throbbed. I knew it was hurting him, to be so h0rny and do nothing about it. He threw his head back, moaning sweetly.

"Mmmhhhhmmm~ t-that fe-elss go-good." He groaned. His body squirmed a little.

I began to kiss down on his neck, leaving small bites. I placed my hand on his d!ck, hearing him whimper. I continued leaving bites on his chest, then his stomach. My face reached his bulge, unzipping his pants, but leaving on his boxers. I shifted a little, so he could feel how hard I was. He shivered. And so did I, my own c0ck wanted him too. I kissed his bulge through his underwear. Seeing him, squirm and moan softly. His sweet soft moan. I kissed his c0ck over and over again watching him twitch, and his moans get louder. I stopped, looking up at him.

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now