The Rape

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*mentions of Rape and Ed in this chapter*

Day 2
Johnny's POV:
I was walking to the lot to sleep when a Soc, came up to me smirking, he seemed drunk and  about 2 or 3 years older than me.

He was alone which was surprising. He grabbed my phone and threw it.

"Look what I've got here a cute greasy babe."

He placed his hand on my d!ck. I swatted it away. Which was when he grabbed my waist and layed me down.
"I don't want too."
He undid my belt.
"Hush" he slapped me.
Taking off my jeans and underwear. I winced.
"No!" I screamed.
"Help!" It was around 11pm so no one was to be seen in sight.

"be quiet grease or I'll be fucking your dead body."

My eyes filled with tears, as he took off his own pants and boxers.

"Please no. Stop" I whimpered.
He slid into me.

"Uhh~ your so tight for a grease." He stated.

I winced, it hurt like hell since I didn't want it to happen.

He began to thrust.

"Please stop, it hurts, I-I don't want too." I whispered.

I began to sob. But he was most definitely enjoying himself.

I felt disgusting.

He kept going, despite my pleads.

"Please." I was tired now. "I. Really. D-don't want t-to." 

He pulled out.

"All done grease. You were exactly what I needed. Dumb kid."

I curled into a ball and sobbed, before getting up and walking to the Curtises.

I arrived there.

"Are you ok Johnny?" Asked Mrs. Curtis.

I sobbed. "I just got r-raped Mrs. C-Curtis." I continued .  "It hurts really bad." I clutched my stomach, I felt sick, and filthy.

"Aww you poor boy I'm gonna get Pony to take the couch tonight you need to heal up. I'm so sorry that happened." She soothed.

I walked to Pony's room to sleep.

[*End of rape*]

I felt Pony soothingly say

"It's ok, baby your alright."

I didn't even realize I had been crying because of my flashback.

"Pony?" I asked.

"Yes hun?"

"You know that one time I slept in your bed and your mom made you get up. I think you where thirteen?" I sniffed.

"Yes, Why?" He questioned.

"I got raped that night. By a soc. I was only 14. I just had a flashback about it. T-that's why I'm c-crying." I cried quietly.

"Aww baby, I'm so sorry that happened. You know I wouldn't do that though right?" He seemed a little scared.

"Yeah" I said shaking a little.

I looked at the clock it was only 7am here.

"Pone since it's early here, do you wanna get breakfast and then walk on the beach or something?"

"Sure" he said rubbing the sleep out his eyes

I went down stairs to get breakfast for the both of us since it would be free hotel breakfast.

I ended up getting Pony a muffin and some fruit, with myself a bagel and yogurt, all I want is for him to truly eat it.

*Ed incoming*
PonyBoy's POV:
Johnny got back with breakfast... the reason I didn't go with him is because food, is bad, I hate it. And the smell, makes me feel. Fat...

"I just got you a muffin and some fruit. Is that too much?"

I was shaking a little and gulped.

"No." I lied. That was wayyyyyy too much, that together is at least 400 calories.

He brought my plate over and he took his own plate showing that he wanted us to. Eat. Together. He's gonna think I'm dumb since I was just staring at my plate but I have a question for him.

"What's on your mind Pone? you look stressed as hell." He reached out and touched my hand.

"Johnny I don't know if I can do this. But I'll try if you feed me, touching food is just still too much right now..." I almost whispered it, he was for sure going to think I was dumb now.

"Of course hun, anything for you." He smiled slightly, putting his own plate down and getting out a plastic fork.

He took a piece of strawberry onto to the fork. I took a deep breath, I felt nauseous. Oh goodness please don't gag.

"Open, baby" he held my hand, and his other hand on the fork.

I opened my mouth slightly, he placed the strawberry in my mouth, and I closed my mouth. It took everything in me not to spit it out. I began to chew, ok now the hard part was coming. swallowing...
I tried to once and failed, which resulted in a gag.

"It's ok baby take your time. Don't rush." He rubbed my back softly. Kissing my cheek quickly.

I tried again and swallowed. I took a deep breath before looking back at Johnny. He was smiling so goofily.

"Great Job, pone!" He cheered.

I smiled at him softly before, I began to cry softly, yet somehow still smiling.

"Aw what's wrong, honey?" His face dropped.

"Johnny how are you so proud when I all ate was one piece?" I cried quietly.

"Pony you normally don't eat at all. I'm so happy your giving your body food at all." He soothed.

"Can I try some of the muffin now?" I sniffed, I liked making Johnny proud.

"Sure" he smiled. He broke off a piece not super big.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and opened my mouth.

He placed the muffin in my mouth, surprisingly it was a lot less sweet than the strawberry, which made it easier to eat. Despite this I still had a small gag, before being able to swallow.

*End of Ed*

I finished and smiled at Johnny. "Can I eat more after the beach?"

He nodded, "Pony you've done so amazing today." He beamed kissing me softly.

Off to the beach we went for the day.

This chapter was honestly just a huge trigger warning- sorry for that, but hey at least it wasn't super short like some of the others 😝.

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