The Check

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(additional days left: 4)
PonyBoy's POV:
I woke again my private areas sore. Johnny was still asleep peacefully, to be fair it was only 7:45. School was supposed to start in 4 days, but we already have excuses, for why we are missing the whole first month. We need too though. I definitely don't need the extra anxiety of school, and Johnny doesn't deserve the struggle of meeting new people. His body stirs, he puts his hands on my waist, pulling himself closer to me, laying his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, enjoying our comfortable silence.

The doctor came in Johnnys eyes shoot open but his body stayed calm.

"Good morning you two cuddle bugs!" This was Mrs. Cameron.

I felt Johnny blush. "Good morning Mrs Cameron." Johnny smiled a little, gosh was he beautiful.

"Who wants to go first? We have to check your wrist to see how they've healed." She says cheerfully.

I look at Johnny with a worried look. I really don't want to see my wrist at all.

"I'll go" he pipes up. I keep him in my lap I can see the nerves all over him too.

She begins to peel off his bandage, I see the tears in his eyes form. I place my chin in his shoulder, whispering "don't look" he closes his eyes with a whimper.

I gasped a little. His wrist had a huge gash in it, it had stitches, and was crusted with blood. Mrs. Cameron quickly cleaned up his wrist placing a fresh bandage on.

"Alright all done." she cheered. "Your turn Mr. Curtis."

I felt my chest tighten as the color drained from my face.

Johnny squeezed my hand. He could definitely see the panick.

"Breathe sweetie, I'm right here ok?" I got out of my daze taking a breath.

"Ok" I responded.

I opened my right wrist out to her. I breathed as I looked up at the ceiling. I didn't want to see it. I felt her clean it and put a bandage on it. Johnny kissed my cheek.

"You did so good, Pone." he smiled. I hugged him he was so cute.

"I'll be back at lunch boys." Mrs. Cameron said with a smile.

Lunch. I went pale again. Oh Gosh. Food. Breakfast. Eat. They went faster. Food. Breakfast. Eat. My breathing sped up. They repeat again, and again. I pulled at my hair, with a whimper.

"No" food breakfast eat food breakfast eat food bre-

"You don't have to eat if you don't want too." Johnny gave me a light squeeze.

"What?" I gasped.

"You have a feeding tube, you can worry about food when we go to the TMWC." he said calmly.

All the panick went away. Great now that that's over guess I'll just see how today really plays out. More like the rest of this stupid week.

-Shorter chapter 🥲🥲🥲, but the TMWC will be sadly interesting-

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now