The going away

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PonyBoy's POV:
Today was the day. I'm in Two-bits car with, Darry, two bit and Dally. Johnny is in Steve's car with, Soda, and Steve.

We arrive at the airport and all meet up. Me and Johnny hold hands, I flight boards in 30 minutes. I glance at and the face he's making is probably close to the same one as me. We both start ugly crying, and run to the gang.

"I'm gonna m-miss you g-guysssssss" I sobbed. I don't even know who I was hugging and I didn't care.

Johnny just cried, which was more than enough of an 'I'll miss you'. We pulled away and they all smiled at us but sadly.

"C'mon man y'all need the vacation go have some fun." Dal convinced.

"Yeah you guys need it." Said Two-Bit.

"Well we outta board now so, bye guys, we'll call later though, I swear." Stated Johnny, with a sniffle.

I just smiled and waved.

And off to board our plane.

To California.

We went.

Ok like I said- NEXT chapters it gets interesting 😃

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