The Ride

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* unfortunately- more smut- slight mention of ED*
Day 4
Johnnys POV:
I woke to Ponys naked body squirming next to me, and I was naked too? Then I remembered the night before. How tight he was, how he was a sexy drunk, how he came back to me even when he forgot about me... shit I'm hard and I don't have any clothes on.

"Johnny" he stirred. "My head is pounding and I don't remember anything past 10pm last night." He wrapped his arms around my bare

"Pony, you fucked me last night, and you were drunk as hell." I stated. No point in lying.

"Oh sorry." He blushed.

"I-It's fine." I groaned slightly, this er3cti0n wasn't getting any better. 

"What's wrong Johnny?" He placed a hand on my c0ck under the covers. I whimpered.

He stroked me slowly. It felt so good.

"uuhhh daddy~ mhhmmmm" I whisper moaned. Damn well now that k!nk had came through, but whatever he knows I have daddy issues. I had tried to hide it the first time we did it...

He kept his hand moving slowing, and came up to whisper in my ear.

"Daddy will do it for you. Prince." He smiled softly.

My back arched slightly. As my d!ck twitched.

"Can you please, go f-faster, d-daddy?" I asked almost begging. He immediately slipped under the covers, throwing his mouth on my d!ck.

"A-aahhh~ d-daddy, uhhhh" I moaned, he better know he was good at this. 

He was deep throating me. My whole c0ck in his mouth.

"Daddy t-that feels really go-od~" I panted letting out a moan.

He slid two fingers inside of me as well. He thrusted them quickly.
I was about to cxm. I almost warned him but then I remembered what happened last time I did that...

His fingers hit my spot, as he licked the tip of my d!ck. 

"Daddy, uuhhhhhh!" I screamed, I felt my body release, my back arched, as I threw my head back in pl3asur3.

"P-Pony" I took a second to breath. "Thank you." I said.

"No problem, but now we gotten go get ready for the day, sweets." He held out a hand as he got up, helping me get up.

PonyBoy's POV:
Johnny got dressed and got Breakfast for us this morning. I'm so hungover I can't wait to eat, anything to make my head hurt less, and to make my stomach stop spinning in circles.

He got back to our room, today breakfast fas a waffle... Which was my worst fear. Sugar. That with syrup had to be like over 500 calories. He saw the worry on my face.

"What is Pone? Is this too mu-"

He didn't get to finish, I got up and sprinted to the bathroom to vomit. I puked last night's alcohol into the toilet. Afterward I sat by the toilet, crying and shaking violently. How was I supposed to tell him I couldn't eat that?

He ran up to me, dropping to the ground and wrapping his arms around me. "I-I'm sorry, I should've thought about the s-syrup. I was just thinking about h-how you had to eat because of last night. Y'know to f-feel better?" He looked ashamed of himself.

"It's ok Johnny, I'll try to eat it..." I cried. "For you." He kissed my cheek softly as we got up to go eat.

Where would today take us? After this crazy morning.

_ok I know I keep saying this, but legit the chapters will get longer and more interesting, just wait.

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