The Bath

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*This chapter contains smut*
Day 4
PonyBoy's POV:
We got back to the hotel I wasn't going to waste anytime with my bath with Johnny.

"Come on honey I'm tired let's take our bath." I rubbed his back a little before getting the water running.

I made it bubbly and put some rose petals in it. I wanted it to be beautiful, for him, my love.

I slipped inside. He came in behind me and lied his head on my chest. The water wasn't super deep, so he did so easily. I played with his hair and we began to talk.

"Pony what made you like me in the first place?" He asked softly.

"I loved the way you looked at me, the way you always looked amazed when you saw me, I loved how sweet and caring you are. When I was ten, and we used to fall asleep on the couch together, I loved cuddling you. I love your swirly hair, and dark brown eyes, and your soft tan skin." I was bright red and I had been rambling on and on.

"Why do you like me?" I asked.

He looked up at me with those beautiful eyes.

"You were always so smart to me. You were a kind, smart, easy to talk to person. And I loved that. And I can't even count the amount of times I caught you staring at me and then turning away red. It really made me feel good about myself." He sounded so happy.

" I love you Johnny." I said softly.

"I love you too Pony." He said.

We sat in silence for a little longer before Johnny started to play with one of my n!pples. Why did he always have to do sh!t like this?

I let out a moan "auhhh~ Johnny~" I tilted my head back a little.

He began to suck at my neck, leaving hickies all along, my jawline, and neck.

"Johnny~" I moaned his name.

"Pony?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah~" Sh!t.

"Can I put it in?" He seemed so timid.

"Sure baby" I panted.

I felt him slip inside me. It hurt a little. He began to move slowly.

I whimpered. "Johnny can you speed u-up?"

He began to thrust faster, those thrust eventually got harder too.

"Jo-Johnny I'm gonna c-" I nearly screamed.

"Nope" he said mockingly.

He started str0king me.

"Johnny stop, please let me c*m?" I cried.

I was a moaning mess. I felt him cxm into my ass. He moaned softly.

"I don't think you want it that bad?" He smiled.

"uauuhhhhh please Baby, please can I c*m?" I begged my body was shaking a little.

He smiled "fineeee."

"Aaaauuuhhhhhhh!" I c@me a lot. It felt so good to release.

"Ok let's go to bed I'm so tired." He yawned.

He got up first, helping me out of the bath tub.

We then dried off and went to bed.

-I'm so sorry for this chapter, it isn't great ngl-

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