The College

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Time skip: 3yrs
Johnnys pov:
Me and Ponyboy just left for college. And boy does it feel unreal. As he drives, I begin to cry.

"What is it baby?" He ask.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to college. With my fiancé." I cry.

"There have been so many times in my life, where I wanted to give up or leave life. I didn't think I could do it, and here I am. With you. I remember when I first had a crush on you and realized I was gay, I was twelve, and here I am." I look over to see tears streaming down his face, as he pulls onto our campus.

"I love you Johnnycakes and as soon as we get a stable life and out of college, I'm gonna marry you baby." We give each other a sweet kiss.

I hope college does us well.

-short and sweet because i suck at writing the last few chapters-

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