The Day I Married My Teenage Sweetheart

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Time Skip: 5 years
PonyBoy's pov:
Darry is walking me down the aisle in my white suit. I immediately start crying as I see my Johnnycakes standing at the end of the aisle in his navy blue suit, with a light blue rose on the pocket. He is crying, and he's so beautiful even with his tears. His soft curls twirl around his head, and fall into his eyes slightly. I reach him as Darry lets go of me. I look over at him, and at the same time see Steve and a crying Soda. They got married while I was in college. Oh college, Johnny is an artist now. and me? I'm an author.

I take Johnnys hands as we both cry.

The wedding officiant has us state our vowels.

Johnny goes first.

"Well, PonyBoy." He starts as he cries harder. "The amount of things you have saved me from doing, and the happiness you have brought in the last. Well my whole life, is crazy. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else, really. And I'm proud to say that I'm marrying PonyBoy Curtis, my best friend, and my lover, forever." I'm in full tears. I hear soda let out a loud sob. And I see why, this is absolutely beautiful.

"Johnny Cade." I begin. "I'm completely sure that I would not be here right now if it weren't for you. I wouldn't be happy right now, if it weren't for you. My beautiful husband. I love you with all my heart and I know you love me the same. And that's all that matters anymore. You saved me in ways I didn't know I could be saved, and I will forever be grateful for my life because you're in it." I smile a little as he does the same.

"Do you Johnathan Andrew Cade, take PonyBoy Michael Curtis to be you husband?" Ask the officiant.

"I do."He bounces a little as he grins happily.

"Do you PonyBoy Michael Curtis take Johnathan Andrew Cade to be you husband?"

"I do." I try not to squirm, I'm so excited right now.

"You may kiss the groom." He smiles.

My hands fly into Johnnys curls as I press our lips together. He slowly rest his hands on my inner arms as we compress our bodies together as everyone claps. We invited everyone we knew so it isn't too small of a wedding. We pull away smiling at each other smiling as we clasp our hands together, walking into the crowd.

"Johnny you're married man." Dallas calls happily.

My brothers find me. Soda engulfs me in a hug.

"I love you so much." He cheers.

"I'm proud of you Pone." Says Darry with a smile.

"Thank you." When I was a teen Darry was my worst nightmare, he was tough, and mean. But now he couldn't be more proud of me. Also Darry has a finance named Lilian, and he found a better paying construction job.

Soda has been with me through thick and thin, as I did the same for him. After battling undiagnosed depression for 3 years he got the medication he needed. However he never did go back to school, and at the moment him and Steve are focused on adopting a kid.

Me and Johnny meet up to go to the reception, it's on the rooftop of our hotel. We are staying the whole week here in L.A. as our honeymoon too.

We get in his car as he cranks it up, and I wave out the window until we have left, and are back on the street.

"Johnny you're my beautiful husband." I hold his right hand as I kiss his cheek.

Johnny's POV:
"Yeah I am." I smile. Ponyboy is my beautiful husband too. He has his nails painted light blue on one hand and navy blue on the other. His straight dark brown hair is grease neatly back. He has on lip gloss that is a soft shade of pink, I truly think there is nothing prettier than him.

We pull up to our hotel going straight to the top for the reception. The rest of the gang meets us there, and our other guest we invited. Tonight's gonna be so fun. Me and PonyBoy pour everyone champagne. I still don't drink much and neither does PonyBoy, but we can get drunk for special occasions.

"Who wants to toast?" Asks PonyBoy with a smile.

"I will." Two-Bit says, and for once he's being serious. "To the Curtis-Cades!" He cheers.

"To the Curtis-Cades!" We all shout. Straight down that drink goes. The rest come in faster. On my third margarita, I can see Darry recording me and PonyBoy as we dance sloppily he is the only one on this roof top that is mostly sober. All he drank was the champagne at the beginning. Me and PonyBoy twirl in circles as we laugh and giggle. This is the best day of life. I look over to see Steve and Soda full on making out, as Soda has more champagne in his glass. PonyBoy comes up and gives me a sloppy kiss. I can tell we are gonna have some private fun tonight.

Eventually we all say our goodbyes. The gang is going back to Tulsa after tomorrow, and tomorrow me and Pony begin our Honeymoon.

We head down to our hotel room. Oh did I mention this was the same hotel we vacationed in when we were teens.

We reach our room going straight inside.


"You look so beautiful baby." I state, bitting my lip as my c0ck goes hard.

He unzips my pants with a smirk.

"You do too, my husband." He gives me a quick sloppy kiss, laying me down.

"How do you want to do this honey?" He ask sweetly undoing his pants.

"How ever you want to." I answer, I feel like bottoming today and by the looks of it PonyBoy wants to top.

He removes my top half of clothing, kissing all over my chest. He left small bites all over, my neck and chest. I felt my c0ck throb, as he cupped it in his hand. I moaned, rocking my body over his hand. He pulled my boxers off as well as his own. I feel his c0ck slide into me.

"Aaahh~ D-daddy~." I moaned out. He thrusted faster and faster, into my prostate, as my back arched.

"Johnnycakes~ I'm" he whimpered. I knew he was close. "I-I'm close~." He continues to let out loud whimpers in attempt to hold it in.

"You can release, Pone." I shout as I cxm onto his chest. I feel him release into me before quickly pulling out.

"I love you husband." He gives me a quick kiss as we cuddle up to sleep.

"I love you even more husband." I answer back. Which was true because I did love him.

-this is so sweet, I can't with myself. The story is almost over and I'm kinda sad :(((-

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