The Arrival- again

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Johnny's POV:
(4 days later)
Today is the day. The day we head to the TMWC. I don't want to go, and the only reason I'm not flipping out right now is because I have to keep my cool for Pony. I don't want him to have an attack in the car. Darry and Soda are in the front seat, with the rest of the gang following behind us in Two-bits car.

Me and Pony are holding hands with all of our stuff at our feet. When we get here we. Will be alone a lot because in order to survive, you have be solo sometimes. I know that scares Pony even more than it scares me, because he can hardly make it with the gang.

"Johnny. Johnny! We're here." Pony snaps. I must've zoned out.

We grab our stuff and walk inside, the gang following behind us. It is plain here, nothing but white and plants. It's just like the regular hospital. My anxiety kicks in, I just want to leave.

"Hi, we are here to sign in PonyBoy Curtis and Johnathan Cade?" Soda walks right up to the lady at the front desk.

"Ahh yes, we have all their stats from the hospital, so PonyBoy can go to our Severity hall, it is made specifically for eating disorders, and suicide watch. Johnathan can go to our anxiety and depression hall. I think both of there therapist are waiting on them." She finishes.

Soda turns around. "I guess this is goodbye?" He states sadly.

Pony glances at the rest of the gang.

"See you guys in a bit..." he states emotionlessly.

I just wave as they say there goodbyes walking out.

"I'll walk you to your therapist rooms, is it ok if PonyBoy goes first?" Ask the desk lady.

He nods.

"Alright Pony follow me." I guess she can tell that he is uncomfortable because he is hand my hand with both of his hands.

"I know your 15, but if it makes  you any more comfortable you can hold my hand if you'd like?" He kissed me quickly on the cheek whispering.

"I'll see you in a bit Johnnycakes."  He took their hand as he walked sadly down the hall.

-I'm so excited to write the therapist part, it's gonna be really cute ☺️-

The way We survived- A Johnnyboy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now