The Big Hand-Hold

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Darry's pov:
It was 6:30 we were all headed to the hospital. For the big hand hold. I don't think it'll do much but anything to make them happy. We arrive at the hospital Soda and Steve are already here because they are super excited. Me, two-bit, and Dally show up not much emotion between us three. We all head up the their room. Soda brought Pony's Engagement ring.

"Hey guys, we're all here." He said excitedly.

Pony's POV:

"I've got something for you PonyBoy." Says Soda.

He picks up my left hand slipping on my ring. I love wearing it.

"Aww that's sweet" says Two-bit I'm surprised to hear him say something sappy.

"Yeah" says Dal quietly.

"Ok are you guys ready? For the big hand hold." Steve chimes in.

I feel a blush creep across my nose and cheeks. I can't wait to touch my fiancé.

I feel Soda take my hand, but not much later I feel my hand lace with one of Johnnys soft, warm hands.

Johnnys pov:
Fireworks. He has the ring on. Soda keeps our hands connected but I'm squeezing his hand. I'm doing it! I'm coming back! I can squeeze his hand! I wait for him to squeeze back. Soda let's go, backing away. The room gasped but he hasn't squeezed back yet.

PonyBoy's pov:
Im putting all the strength I have into my hand. Finally I feel my fingers bend. We are together. Im touching him, my body feels warm inside. I love it. I love him.  I don't ever want this to end.  I hear Darry scream for a doctor.

Johnnys pov:
I open my eyes turning my head a little. I feel my lips smile. He looks back at me I can tell this is taking a lot out of him. Tears stream down his face. I feel some going down mine too. The doctor comes in, with a shocked face. Half the gang is in tears, the other half just as shocked as the doctor.

"We are gonna run some test, and in the meantime see if this one." He pointed to me. "Can eat. You" he pointed to Pony. "Need to stay on your feeding tube. when you both are physically ok. You will be going to a mental facility."

PonyBoy cries harder, as the doctor walks out. I wish I could talk, but I can't. I look at him sadly.

PonyBoy's pov:
Feeding tube? I don't want to eat. period. I take my right hand trying to rip it out, but I'm too weak.

"No Pony." Says Dally sternly. "You have to ok? You're gonna die if you don't gain any weight." He cried.

"Yeah we aren't losing either of you again." Says Darry sadly.

I nod in response crying softly. Johnny squeezes my hand again. I'll be ok as long as he's there.


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