43. Unexpected Guests.

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Taekook's voice resonated in the science. While the baby who was seated on the bed flinched hearing his parents yelling.

It's been four days since they visited juhu beach .......in these days they visited all the famous places in mumbai.... yesterday taehyung took them all to their " Kim "branch here.

In all conclusion they have enjoyed a lot.... visited local markets too....now only 4 days are left for their vacation to be over.

Since they all have works , jungkook has to start his internship too in park industries....so it's better if they leave early .

Now you all must be wondering why our beloved couple is fighting .....so my lovely readers let's dive in and find the reason.

" I said na ....I want to have pani puri" jungkook whined taking a seat on the bed besides his baby....while tae stood near the door....hands folded on his chest while he looked indimitatedly at his wife.

" No ....you are not gonna have it ...it's unhealthy " Tae reasoned why he didn't want kook to have it .

When kook gotten the taste of pani puri....he actually got obsessed with it.....since they have been exploring Mumbai jungkook makes sure to eat Pani puri with Jimin and Jin accompanying him daily.

It's last 4 days of their vacation so elders suggested they should just rest at home .....spend time with eachother as they would definitely get busy if they return back to seoul .

From morning kook had been whinning to tae.....to let him eat pani puri.....but considering its unhealthy for his wifey ....tae had been denying it calmly.

But as the time is getting pass....tae's patience is running thin too...why kook can't understand that he is denying it for a reason.

" Anni " kook whined while pouting......he looked at his bubba for help......but the baby just smiled his toothless smile at his mumma... making kook smile too.

Tae sighed tiredly ....it is useless too fight with his stubborn wife.....but it's not like he would give in to his all tantrums...nope not happening. He went in his closet to get his office file. As he is free.... tae thought to utilize the time by doing work.

Kook was immersed in his deep thoughts.... thinking of ways too make his husband agree......

The bulb lightened over his head when he remembered a conversation of his and his jiminie hyungie.

" Hyungie I still can't believe that grumpy cat agrees to all your demands just like that" kook said in disbelief...they both were seated at the couch on kook's balcony. Jimin was here to show all the gifts yoongi had brought on their yesterday's date.

" My naive Kookie......yeah he agrees but not all the time....I have to work so hard for making him agree to all my childish demands" Jimin said while unpacking the gifts.

" What ? What you do to make him agree?" Kook asked excitedly.

"There is a way....but I don't think it's worth ruinning your innocence" Jimin said nonchantly.

" hyungie ....tell me....you know it would be very useful for me to when I would be in a relationship... please tell me na" jungkook whinned..... giving puppy eyes to Jimin who chuckled..... ofcource he has to give in now.

" Seducing"

Although jungkook didn't understand anything at that time as Jimin didn't elobarate what it is ?....after Jimin left him alone he googled it and found the meaning of it the same day.

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