Chapter 5: As fun as that sounds

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Are you there, God? Its me, Dean Winchester.

The doors to the kitchen slammed shut.

"Dean?" Bobby and Alexis call out.

"I'm alright. Keep working." Dean answers.

Alexis leans against the desk as Bobby continues preparing everything for the spell.


The doors open and Sam and Dean walk in. The set the things down on the table.

Dean glances at Alexis, noticing the distant look in her eyes as she rubbed the crook of her arm. "Darlin', you okay?"

"Hmm-hmm." She nods, snapping out of it. "Just--" she took a deep breath. "--seen a ghost."

Dean began reloading bullets into his gun when Ronald showed up again. "Ronald. Hey, come on, man. I thought we were pals."

"That's when I was breathing." Ronald replies. "Now I'm gonna eat you alive."

"Well, as fun as that sounds..." Alexis trails off, handing Bobby the next thing he needed.

"Heh. Well, come on. I'm not a cheeseburger." Dean laughs a little, raising his gun, but Ronald had disappeared.

Bobby started to chant and then the windows and doors flew open. Wind blowing through the room, breaking the line of salt.

Meg appeared, Sam shot her, then Henricksen.

"Sam!" Dean yelled once seeing Meg behind him. Sam ducked and Dean shot.

Ronald starts walking toward them as Dean reloads his gun. Alexis spun around, shooting at the ghost.

They kept shooting, ghost after ghost after ghost. Until Henricksen showed up for the millionth time causing Deans gun to fly out of his hand. He grabbed at another that sat on the table. He shot, but the gun clicked. Nothing.

"Dean. Here." Alexis threw him a iron pole. He caught it, hitting the ghost.

Sam was trying to reload his shotgun as Meg appeared. A cabinet slid across the floor, pinning Sam to the bookshelf.

"Sam?" Dean yells.

"Cover Bobby."

Alexis shot Meg, reaching into her pocket and pulling out two more bullets.

Bobby screams. Dean and Alexis turn around to see Meg behind him, her hand through his back.

"Dean." He calls out as the bowl slips out of his hand. Dean dove, catching the bowl. "Fireplace."

Dean dumped everything inside the bowl into the fire. The flames turned blue. A bright light filled the room and when it dimmed all the ghost were gone.

Bobby fell to the floor. Alexis dropped her gun, moving toward him. Sam, Dean, and Alexis help Bobby to his feet.


"Hey, Lex, you okay?" Dean asks, setting a hand on her arm. She drops her pillow on the floor of Bobby's living room where she planned to sleep.

"Yeah." She answers quietly, ignoring her aching muscles.

Dean brushes a piece of hair away from her face. Then he sets his hand on her forehead. "Lexi, you're burning up. Are you sick?"

"No, no, I'm fine." Alexis shakes her head. "I'm just gonna go shower and then sleep."

Dean followed her up the stairs. "How about you take a nice, warm bath. Relax, you know."

"Dean, I can--"

"Be quiet, sweetheart."


Alexis watches as Dean turns on the water. He stuck his hand under the faucet, making sure the water was just right. Alexis was picky about how hot the water was.

"Come here." He says softly.

Alexis stepped forward, swaying. She tripped and Dean caught her.

"Whoa. What's wrong?"

"I'm okay." Alexis lies. "Thanks, you can go now."

Dean chuckles. "You know, I've seen you naked before. I'm here to make sure you don't trip and fall, or drown."

"No, its not that."

"Come on, Lex, you're okay."

Alexis sighs. "Fine."

After getting undressed with little to no help, Alexis sank into the warm water, closing her eyes. She held her breath, sinking completely under the water. She sat up, resting her head against the wall.

Dean knelt down beside her. He ran his thumb over her forearm. "You feelin'--" he pauses. "Alexis, what have you been doing?" He asks after noticing the needle tracks on her arm.

Alexis opens her eyes, turning to look at him. "Its not what you think."

"Then what is it?" Dean asks.

"I'm not doing drugs. I promise. It certainly doesn't make me feel good. Its why I'm sick right now. My mom said that if she could do this experiment on me, then she'd tell me how I could pull you from hell. She stuck this needle in my arm, I don't know what was in it. Then she stuck another one in, this time she took something. Black smoke filled it instead of blood. She poured something into it then shot it back in my arm. I get really weak and sick a while after she does it." Alexis pauses.

"I guess you can see how many times its happened, huh?" She lifts her arm slightly. "But she lied. I could never actually pull you from hell. I wasn't strong enough. I could take some pain, but that was it."

Dean didn't say anything at first. Alexis had been the reason he wouldn't feel anything every once in a while. "Lexi, you shouldn't have agreed to that. Who knows what she's shooting into your blood stream."

"Please," Alexis met his eyes, tears brimming hers. "let's not turn this into an argument. I don't wanna fight."

Dean sighs. "Okay, baby."

"Dean, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not being able to save you, or take more of your pain away so that you wouldn't have--"

"It's okay." Dean presses a kiss to her forehead.

Alexis sat up fully, turning to Dean. She sets a hand on his shoulder and pulls him toward her, pressing her lips to his.

"Lets go away, Dean. Just forget about all this crap. Demons, angels, monsters. Just forget it. Lets find somewhere." Alexis whispers against his lips. "Please. We can just get out, leave it all behind. Hell, we can live in the middle of the woods where no one could find us if we have too."

Dean was quiet for a few seconds as he set a hand on the side of her face. "We'll get out one day, sweetheart."


Alexis lay beside Dean, her head resting on his arm. She had to see Eden now. She hated to go back, but she had to.

She felt Dean jump awake as Sam walks back in the room. Dean sat up. Alexis set a hand on his arm. "You okay?" She asks.

"You alright?" Sam ask as he sat down. "What's wrong, Dean?"

"So, ahem, you got no problem believing in God and angels?" Dean asks Sam.

"No, not really." Sam answers.

"So I guess that means you believe in the devil."

"Why are you asking me all this?"

Dean just shook his head, remembering everything Castiel had told him in his dream.

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